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Jon Heffernan (’12)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Full Name: Jon Michael Heffernan
Hometown: Mendham, New Jersey
Major/Minor: Finance Major, Entrepreneurship Minor
Relationship Status: TBD

HC (Her Campus): Are you involved with any interesting activities on campus?
JH (John Heffernan): I’m the treasurer of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, an intramural sports supervisor, and a washed up club soccer player.

HC: Any other hobbies?
JH: Staying active, watching sports, and partying (Mario Party-ing, not drinking!)

HC: What made you choose Wake Forest?
JH: I didn’t even consider Wake until I came and did a tour of Duke, UNC, and Davidson; I figured I’d stop by Wake while we were here just to see it. After seeing the school I ended up applying early.

HC: Of your four years here what will you never forget?
JH: I don’t think I’ll remember much (laughs).

HC: List two things that every person should do before graduating Wake.
JH: Go to “5 Party” (hosted by Kappa Sig) and fail a couple of classes so you can have a victory lap; although you’ll still never be Mike Wills.
HC: Who is your dream girl?
JH: Ultimately, Vicki St. Elmo but realistically, Jennifer Aniston.

HC: So are you the artist or athletic type?
JH: More so the athletic type – well at least I used to be. I love music, but I can barely draw a stick figure.

HC: What is the best pick-up line you have ever used?
JH: I’m an investment banker.

HC: Did it work?
JH: Absolutely! Works like a charm, especially when you’re in the city.

HC: Boxers or briefs person?
JH: Briefs

HC: If you could trade places with any person for one week who would it be and why?
JH: Tim Riggins. If you know him, you’ll understand why.

HC: Do you have any hidden talents?
JH: I’m a phenomenal poet.
HC: What’s the best way to spend a Saturday?
JH: Actually, a pretty nice little Saturday would be to go to Home Depot, buy some wallpaper, and maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe even Bed, Bath, and Beyond… I don’t know. I don’t know if I’d have enough time though.

HC: Three things you can’t live without?
JH: Family, sports, and Chubbies.

HC: What is your dream job?
JH: Hopefully I’ll be able to retire and teach business in a high school later on in life.

HC: What are your plans for next year?
JH: This summer I’ll be traveling to Tanzania, Africa to teach math for a month. Then beginning in August I’ll be working just outside NYC for a biotech pharmaceutical company called Celgene doing finance/business development.

HC: That’s incredible, how did Africa get on your radar?
JH: I’ve always wanted to go to Africa but never thought it would be financially feasible until this past fall when my aunt offered to sponsor me through the organization she started in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania; it is called EdPowerment (Empowerment through Education). So I basically jumped at the opportunity and can’t wait to go.

HC: One last piece of advice to leave us with:
JH: Get involved and do what you care about. I’ve done a lot of things based solely on extrinsic rewards and have come to realize that none of them are worth it in the end. Be friendly and stay close to those you care about; life is pointless if there’s no one to share it with.

Jackie Swoyer is a rising senior at Wake Forest University majoring in Business and Enterprise Management, concentrating in Marketing and minoring in Economics. While her collegiate years have been spent in the Carolinas, this aspiring marketer currently calls Cincinnati, Ohio home...although she has spent years moving all over the country and beyond (including a five year period in Europe!). She is currently prepping for a summer internship in the Frito Lay Marketing Division in Plano, Texas, a new stop on her geographical repertoire. An avid reader of all things Her Campus, Jackie also loves to write, listen to Pandora, practice her cooking skills, and find live music anywhere she can.