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How to Register to Vote in North Carolina

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th this year. If you’re a U.S. citizen, it’s important to go out and vote for people who you think will make our country a better place. Some people don’t know that you are able to vote for the state you go to college in, even if it isn’t your home state. It’s a very easy thing to do!

  1. Go to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles’ Voter Registration webpage: https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/offices-services/online/Pages/voter-registration-application.aspx?ref=voteusa_en 
  2. Click on “get started”
  3. Create a myNCDMV account 
  4. Fill out your information as the website tells you to and use your school address

It’s completely free to register to vote! If you’re in North Carolina, make sure you sign up at least 25 days before Election Day, unless you plan on doing same-day registration. 

Olivia Kerrane

Wake Forest '26

Hi my name is Olivia and I am a sophomore at Wake Forest University. I am from Port Washington, New York and I am a psychology major and a Spanish and schools, education and society minor. I love animals and the color pink!