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Her Impact: Pro Humanitate on the Field

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember how many great people are at Wake Forest when you have a 9-page paper due tomorrow on a book you haven’t read yet.  But, collegiettes™, we must remember how many people here truly care about each other and are willing to lend a hand…..or even a kidney.  Our favorite pro-humanitate story of the week involves the miraculous story of baseball coach Tom Walter donating his kidney to help freshman Kevin Jordan.

Coach Walter has been the Deacon Baseball coach for only two years and has already shown his commitment to improving the athletics and brotherhood bond of the team.  As soon as he gained the support of his family, he referred to his decision to donate his kidney as a “no-brainer.”  soon as he gained the support from his family.  Walter, who refers to the baseball team as his family, told press, “This is something anybody would do for a family member”. 

The past year has been a rough road for freshman outfielder Kevin Jordan.  He was diagnosed April of his senior year with ANCA vasculitis affecting his kidney function.  Jordan was able to attend class in the fall, though he was hooked up to a stomach catheter for 18-20 hours a day. 

Kevin needed a kidney transplant, but none of his family members were a match.

Soon after the devastating news, Coach Walter called up Kevin’s dad and expressed his want to be tested.  On January 28th, the first day of spring practice, Walter found out he was a match and this past Monday he went through with surgery. 

The fact that Coach Walter was a kidney match was a miracle in itself.  The idea to give his kidney came to Coach when he was on his usual morning run. Her Campus Wake Forest got baseball captain, junior Austin Stadler’s reaction: “You always hear coaches talking about doing anything for their team. Coaches recruit and talk about family, but what exactly does that mean? Coach Walter put these thoughts into action as he gave his own kidney”. 

 Surgeon Dr Newell, who worked on both Kevin and Coach Walter, said while many people are willing to offer their kidneys, the chance of a direct match is as low as 15%.  Kevin’s dad likes to think of Kevin’s entering the Wake baseball family as “divine intervention.”  He adds: “The word family really means something to Wake Forest.”

With a family like this, Deacon Baseball should be the team to watch this season when they open at LSU next week, February 18th.  Austin Stadler confirms this notion: “For the upcoming season, our team is determined to lay everything out on the field for our coach. The experience has definitely brought the team closer together, for his actions embody what Wake Forest is all about.”

Freshman Evan Stephens agrees: “The situation will motivate us to play for one another rather than just for ourselves. Heading into this season that’s a great feeling to have”
The Deacs will be back in action at home Tuesday February 22nd against Western Carolina, and we hope to see many of you collegiettes™ there!

*Photo credit to WFU Athletics


Ashley is a senior at Wake Forest University majoring in History and minoring in Psychology and Sociology. She loves traveling and meeting new people. She especially loves African history and loves the country of South Africa. She hopes to work as a fundraiser for a nonprofit one day, but will go wherever life takes her!
Kelsey Garvey is a junior English major at Wake Forest University. Her upbringing in Connecticut, otherwise known as country club land, inspired her to write in order to escape and locate something more. Writing has also acted as her outlet to dabble in subjects far beyond her my intellectual capacity: art, culture, design, fashion, photography, and music. Other than reading Vogue and Vanity Fair cover-to-cover, Kelsey enjoys frequenting the blogosphere, speaking franglais in daily conversation, and laughing at her own pathetic jokes. Feel free to email her with any questions or comments.