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Haute and Healthy: Foods to Boost Your Brain Power

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Attention all collegiettes: Eating healthy may not seem like an essential part of preparing for finals, but the dietary choices you make can really affect your performance on exams! Certain foods reign supreme in enhancing your brainpower, while others leave you feeling sluggish – hindering your ability to focus and reach your full test-taking potential. But no need to worry; I have compiled a list of brain-boosting foods that are essential to a healthy finals week diet:


1. Nuts

Almonds, walnuts and peanuts all contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to enhance communication between brain cells, leading to greater memory retention. Nuts also contain fiber to help keep you full and focused. A handful of almonds is the perfect snack for right before an exam or while studying.


2. Milk and Yogurt

Low-fat dairy products are packed with protein and B vitamins that help you concentrate and work efficiently. Yogurt also contains vitamin D, which supports memorization. Paired with some whole grain granola and fruit, milk and yogurt can be a perfect option for a pre-exam breakfast!


3. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is an amazing brain food! In addition to being absolutely delicious, this super food stimulates blood flow to your brain, enhancing your cognition and memorization. Dark chocolate also contains caffeine to help you concentrate and boost your energy! Unlike other types of chocolate that can give you a sugar high (and crash), dark chocolate has a low glycemic index to give you steady energy while studying or taking an exam!



It is always important to stay hydrated, but it is even more crucial during finals week. Not drinking enough water can impede your memory retention!

Foods to Avoid: During finals week, try to avoid foods high in flour (cookies, muffins, cake, etc.). Also stay away from fatty foods and food high in sugar, including anything made with artificial sweetener. These foods use a lot of you body’s energy to digest and contain minimal nutritional value.


Happy (and healthy) studying!






*Cover image from theguardian.com

Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie!