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Haute and Healthy: Can You Guess Which Halloween Candy is Healthier?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Being healthy on Halloween doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself and swap carrots for candy while sitting at home all night. Here’s my good news for you: you can be healthy and still enjoy yourself too! Here are some sweet candy swaps for a healthier and happier Halloween!


1.    Skittles vs. Peanut M&M’s

Just because Skittles have 30 fewer calories per snack-size bag than M&M’s (61 cal vs. 90 cal), doesn’t mean they are the better option. Skittles are high on the glycemic index, meaning that they release sugar in the bloodstream very quickly, spiking your blood sugar and leaving you craving more. M&M’s, on the other hand, are low in glycemic index, and its protein packed peanuts will keep you satisfied longer!


2.    Skittles vs. Starbursts

Skittles win this one! Although the candies are pretty comparable in calories per serving size (about 60 calories per fun size serving), Starbursts pack almost double the fat and sugar!


3.    Kit Kat vs. Twix

Though both these tasty treats lack any real nutritional value, choosing the Kit Kat will save you calories, saturated fat, and sodium. Twix contain 20 more calories, an additional gram of saturated fat, and over 60 milligrams more sodium (yikes!). Stick to the Kit Kat to get your chocolate fix!


4.    Tootsie Rolls vs. Candy Corn

This one is a trick and a treat: It’s a tie! One serving of Tootsie Rolls (six pieces) versus one serving of Candy Corn (22 pieces) contains the same amount of calories (150cal), as well as zero grams of fat and 30 grams of sugar. However, if you’re going purely for quantity, then Candy Corn wins in terms of calories per piece.


5.    Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate

Higher in antioxidants, dark chocolate is a healthier option than milk chocolate for any candy bar. It contains less sugar and carbs, and recent studies from the University of Copenhagen show that dark chocolate is more filling, meaning it will satisfy your cravings quicker! As a general rule of thumb, one piece of dark chocolate per day can satisfy your daily sweet tooth while also giving your body the antioxidants it needs.


One last tip: BEWARE OF EXTRA CANDY. Although Halloween is only celebrated once a year, it seems as if the candy consuming festivities can linger for days and even weeks. It’s highly unlikely that you will not have any leftover candy in your dorm room after Halloween. The most important thing to remember is that just because it’s there, doesn’t mean you have to eat all of it! Moderation is key. Save the candy and treat yourself once or twice a week!


*Source: realsimple.com 

*Cover image from businessinsider.com

Hi Demon Deacons! I'm Caroline and I'm a freshman here at Wake Forest. This year i'll be writing for "Haute and Healthy" and Campus Cutie!