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Garrett Johns (’15)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Name: Garrett Johns
Hometown: Arlington, Va.
Year: Junior
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Music
Relationship status: Single

This week’s Campus Cutie digs The Lion King, boy bands and sarcasm. Meet the “humble, decent-looking and mildly intelligent” Garrett Johns!

HC (Her Campus): So why did you decide to major in Computer Science?
GJ (Garret Johns): I don’t know, I took a class sophomore year, it was fun. And I got an A, so I decided to major in it.

HC: What do you want to do after college?
GJ: No clue.

HC: Then what would be your dream job?
GJ: Maybe someone who test drives a car in a commercial, like through the desert and whatnot. That would be pretty fun.

HC: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
GJ: Right off the bat I’m thinking charming, smart and good looking. Not necessarily in that order. But I don’t want to come off as that guy so we’ll go with humble, decent looking and mildly-intelligent. I know that’s two words – you could put a hyphen in.

HC: (Laughs) I can see how humble would be a good one for you. What other things are you interested in, any hobbies?
GJ: I play the piano and just about every other instrument.

HC: If you could switch places with someone for a week, who would it be?
GJ: (Stops and ponders, stroking his nonexistent beard) Snoop Dogg.

HC: (Laughs) Hmm okay, why?
GJ: It seems like he lives a pretty chill lifestyle. He says stuff that doesn’t make any sense. I feel like that would be a lot of fun. Not that I’d really want to trade places with anybody.

HC: Do you have any guilty pleasures or weird habits?
GJ: Man, I love watching Disney movies. The Lion King is one of my favorite movies of all times. Don’t tell anybody. I’m also a really big *N Sync and Backstreet Boys fan.

HC: (Laughs) Yeah I’ll bet you are, what’s your favorite song by BSB?
GJ: Wait, which one are they? The all-white cover, okay. They sing “I Want It That Way,” right? Damn, I would kill it in a boy band.

HC: Ah, a great one. So tell me a secret about yourself.
GJ: I didn’t kiss a girl until I was in high school.

HC: Now you have to tell me that story!
GJ: I had put in a lot of work with this girl. You know that scene in The Notebook? I finally convinced her to do it.

HC: So she ran into your arms? The whole thing?
GJ: Jumped. We are talking the YouTube video here.

HC: Wow, that’s impressive. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
GJ: Knuckle cracking – it gives me the heebie jeebies. Hmm…walking in groups of three, you can never find a good formation. Somebody is always walking behind. You can never walk three abreast; it just doesn’t work, especially on this campus.

HC: Tell me about the first thing you notice in a girl.
GJ: Complexion. Is she fair, not fair? Skin tone. Everyone says eyes, so that’s boring.

HC: Describe a great date.
GJ: I don’t want to give away any of my secrets but it involves a dinner, lots of rose petals, a few candles, and two young hearts. A bottle of French wine followed by a moonlit walk on the beach. Decent weather.

HC: What’s the worst thing a girl could do, the biggest turn off?
GJ: Short hair, you know, the pixie cut. But Emma Watson killed it. True story, I had long hair for a while. I mean, long. Either I smelled bad for an entire year or girls really don’t like long hair. It’s kind of like that.

HC: Okay, now give me your best pick-up line.
GJ: I don’t use pick-up lines, I’m bigger than that.

HC: Wow strong game, okay. Do you have any tattoos?
GJ: Nope.

HC: If you did, what would it be?
GJ: If I’m gonna get a tattoo, I’d go all out. Superman all across my chest, or life-size wings on my back. Or maybe a little shooting star on my ankle.

HC: Give me the top three artists on your playlist.
GJ: Eric Clapton, some sort of country artist – how about Chris Cagle – and Cher Lloyd.

HC: Where is your favorite place in the world?
GJ: Not Winston-Salem. I haven’t seen much of the world; I’ve never been outside of the U.S. Let’s go with the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., the birthplace of freedom and justice.

HC: Do you have a motto you like to live by?
GJ: I’ve got a lot of mottos, probably the best being, “The best thing about doing something last minute is that it only takes a minute.”

HC: What’s the one thing you could never live without?
GJ: Water. I’m just kidding, that’s an obvious answer. Um, what could I never live without besides water? Love. Music. Music and… family. I could never live without my family. I wouldn’t be here without them.


*Photography by Kristen Merlo

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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.