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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

With finals over, I have been asking myself, “what do I do now?” 

I recently learned about a new fashion brand called, Still Here, which sells a variety of jeans, most notably ones where the designer paints multi-colored block patterns on the back legs. With the extra time on my hands, I thought I’d try something similar on my jeans. 

Here is the list of materials and instructions for getting amazing results!


What You Need:

  • Pair of jeans 

  • Blue painters’ tape or white artist tape 

  • Acrylic paint, brand, and colors of your choice 

  • Brushes 

How To:

  1. Pick out a pair of jeans, white or blue, the color does not matter. If you want to paint on the pockets, make sure your jeans do not have stitching on them.

  2. Wash and dry your jeans to get off any residue. This will ensure that the paint dries properly. 

  3. Tape the borders of the area you want to paint to get clean, straight lines.

  4. If you’re doing a pocket, paint the entire pocket with 1-2 layers of white acrylic paint, so you cannot see the blue denim color coming through. 

  5. If you’re doing something similar to those sold at Still Here, then you can skip the above step and get straight to painting. 

  6. Let the paint completely dry. 

  7. Peel off the tape.

  8. Heat-setting: there are three different ways to do this…

  • Turn your jeans inside-out and then iron the back of the painting for 5-7 minutes.
  • Put your jeans in the dryer on high or medium heat for 15-20 minutes (this method, while easy, is not for people worried about the jeans shrinking).
  • Using a hairdryer, blow-dry the front of the painting. This method takes the longest amount of time.



Chandler Stearns

Wake Forest '22

My name is Chandler Stearns and I am a current sophomore from Chicago, IL (GO CUBS). I plan on majoring in Communications with a double minor in English and Entrepreneurship. My favorite things are laughing until I'm crying and dancing until I make a complete fool of myself.
Taylor Knupp

Wake Forest '21

Taylor is a senior from Harrisburg, PA studying Business and Enterprise Management. She is the outgoing Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus at WFU. Taylor plans to move to New York City after graduation to work as a Business Analyst at Verizon.