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Collegiettes’™ Cure for the Summertime Blues: Breaking up the Endless Days of Interning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I’ll be the first to admit that when I get home for the summer and I finally have absolutely nothing to do, I tend to spend my days lounging in sweats, reading book after book, watching endless television, and taking advantage of a well-stocked pantry. Don’t we all? For a day or so, this isn’t so bad. After a busy semester of classes, tests, and sleep deprivation, vegging sounds pretty good, right?
But at some point, the lazy has to stop.

CollegiettesTM work hard to land top internships and part-time jobs that take up a lot of their summer vacation. After a long day of work, a comfy couch and a glass of wine sound pretty good. Problem is, they end up spending the whole summer working and watching TV.
I know we’re all busy this summer, but HC is here to help you make the most of your vacation time even though internships, summer jobs, and TV marathons can be pretty consuming.
My first piece of advice: GET OUTSIDE!
If you’re working, you spend most of the day indoors, probably at a desk in front of a computer or on the phone. With the exception of weekends and family vacations, you probably haven’t thought about making time to take advantage of the sunshine. That changes NOW! Here’s how:
Go Green.
Walk or bike to work. If you’re in the city, join the rest of the sidewalk commuters. If you’re in the suburbs. Grab a helmet, strap on some knee pads and pedal on. Walking is totally feasible; I have tons of urban friends that allot walking time in the morning. And you’ll feel more energized at work.
Eat your lunch outside.
Pack a lunch or grab a salad at the corner deli, and find a spot in the sun to enjoy your break. Whether it’s a park bench or a picnic table, you will feel more relaxed and less stressed if you get out of the office and into the sun. Oh, and leave your cell phone and laptop at your desk. You won’t die without them. Fellow interns like to stick together, so make lunch your little social time of the day.

Take a walk.
Five minutes around the block can have seriously relaxing effects. After lunch or dinner, grab some co-workers, friends, or family members – even your dog – and go for a walk. Enjoy the sunset and cool summer evenings. Take a break from the internet, the television, the cell phone, and electronics in general, and let nature sweep you away.
Enjoy your morning coffee and after-work cocktail…outside.
For me, there is nothing better than taking a cup of coffee and a good book out onto the back porch. Morning, noon, or night.
On that same note…
Take your breakfast, lunch, and dinner outdoors! You don’t have to have a designated outdoor eating area to make the most of your backyard. A big blanket and a basket full of your favorite deli dishes will turn your typical weeknight dinner into a special summertime event. And if you’re interning in a new city, perfect! Use meal time as a way to explore a different area of town.
Get out of the gym.
You don’t need fancy equipment and air conditioning to stay beach-body ready. Hit the pavement, and take your cardio routine outside. Move your yoga session into a more natural surrounding. Take Rover to the park for some frisbee and burn those calories! Bike around the block instead of opting for the indoor spin class. Say goodbye to monotony!
OK collegiettesTM, that’s all she wrote. Stay tuned for may ways to live it up this summer!
*Photography by Sam Hoback