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Bringing Gym Clothes to the Classroom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Naturally by being on a college campus, there is an abundance of workout clothes.  We’ve all had those days where we didn’t want to dress up for that early morning class and have found it easier to just slip into our favorite workout pants and big comfy sweatshirt. We begin to wonder, are there rules for wearing workout clothes for everything but working out? Well, let me break it down for you.


Samantha Moore (’17) poses in Nike shorts, a t-shirt, and Nike sneakers.  “I always wear workout clothes to class,” says Samantha. “I love my Wake Forest Nike shorts, because I can show school spirit and be comfortable at the same time!”  Style tip number one: take Samantha’s advice and wear Wake apparel, such as Nike shorts, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and tank tops.  Even if you’re not dressed up, it’s always okay to show your school spirit.

Dana Matouzzi, Rebecca Mcneill, and Dakota Becker (’17) stop on their way back from the Pit for a quick picture. Are gym clothes appropriate to grab a bite to eat? Of course. Especially on those Saturday and Sunday mornings. Give yourself a break. Each of these girls is sporting the ever-popular Nike Free sneakers in different and fun colors. Take a tip from them and use a Pit stop as a chance to show off your sporty style.


Cathy Maier (’17) heads to class in gym clothes but adds a twist with ballet flats.  By wearing a loose fitting sweatshirt she balances out her tight tank top and leggings. Her outfit is class-appropriate and will help her keep warm in those chilly air-conditioned buildings. Ballet flats or boots are always a cute alternative to sneakers if you are looking to dress your gym clothes up just a little so you can avoid the ever-awkward question of “Did you just work out?” while you’re on your way to class…


Overall, I don’t see any problem with wearing gym clothes to class.  If you want to avoid looking too undone, I would stay away from wearing oversized t-shirts; keep your gym clothes formfitting and cute if you plan on wearing them to more than just the gym. Now that it’s getting colder, most of us are trading in our running shorts for leggings.  Wearing leggings with a v-neck t-shirt, a fleece pullover, and a pair of boots is an easy way to be comfortable but still look put together.  It isn’t all just about the clothes though. Dress your outfit up a little by wearing subtle jewelry and putting your hair in a neat ponytail or braid. Pay attention to your overall appearance and you’ll be just fine. (Target sells over the door full-length mirrors if any of you are concerned…)   

Any time you pass a girl in gym clothes, you’re likely to see at least one Nike swoosh, Lululemon omega, or Underarmour logo.  Paiting black leggings with neon Nike Free sneakers is one of the most popular looks to see at Wake.  This combination is perfect to work out in, go to class in, or stop by Benson for a quick meal. All of these brands, and many other athletic companies, continue to produce cute gym clothes for collegiettes like us! So take advantage of all the great choices out there and make your workout clothes multi-functional.

There are times to impress and dress up and there are times when comfort trumps all. Pick your moments wisely, but just know that it is acceptable to wear gym clothes when you are not working out and don’t have any plan on making it to the gym that day. You’re welcome.

Hey collegiettes! I'm Arianna and I am a freshman at Wake Forest University. I love all things preppy, but also like to incorporate trends into my wardrobe. I plan to major in communications and possibly minor in French. I can't wait to begin my Her Campus career and hope you enjoy my blog posts!
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.