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Avoiding the Blues: How to Cope with Homesickness at Wake

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Transitioning from high school to college can be tough for any new collegiette. You leave behind everything that is familiar for a brand new place, with brand new people. It can be a bit overwhelming at first. Maybe the first month of school was a breeze; you made a few friends, went to crazy parties, and met cute boys. But now that all the newness has worn off, even with all this fun stuff around, sometimes you just want to be back in your room at home, alone with your puppy.

Don’t get too blue though, collegiettes! Missing home is normal, and everything will be okay if you follow these tips!

Have things to remind you of home

Going away to college means packing everything you think you need, which isn’t all of what you actually need (I know this from experience). So maybe you’re thinking that you don’t need to bring the teddy bear grandma gave you for your eighth birthday. I’m telling you: BRING IT. Bring the teddy bear. Bring the BFF quilt. Bring the pictures of friends and family. Bring anything that will remind you of your loving family and awesome friends to help with your transition.

Talk to someone at school

There are probably other people that feel, or have felt, the same way you do (and they’re probably right there on your freshman hall). Sharing an experience with someone who can empathize is a great way to get things off your chest. And if you don’t know anyone who is feeling homesick, try your RA, or someone at the counseling center. There’s bound to be someone who can give you sound advice about transitioning smoothly.

Call your family and friends back home

You can also email them, text them, Facetime them, Skype them, or even write to them (the old school way). Call as often as you want the first two or three weeks and then try to call them a little less the next two weeks, and then a little less the next two weeks. One thing to remember is that this is a transition for both you and your family; they probably miss you just as much as you miss them, if not more.

Plan trips back home

If you miss home that much, it’s perfectly okay to go back! Plan your trips. Try to limit yourself to the number of times you go back home so you actually have time to enjoy yourself here at school. You don’t want to be at home every weekend because then you’ll miss out on all the cool stuff that happens on campus!

Get involved

There are so many things you can do with your free time here at Wake (like writing for HerCampus). Getting involved means meeting more people, which means making new friends! Once you find your group of friends, you won’t miss home as much as before. Plus you’ll be forming your support group for those homesick days that happen every once in awhile.


Yes, the transition from high school to college is tough, but it’s manageable.

Before you know it, you’ll be happy as can be and everyone here at Wake will be just as happy to have you!

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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.