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Andrew Winters (’15)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Name: Andrew Winters

Year: Freshman

Major: Undeclared

Hometown: Houston, TX

Relationship Status: In a relationship


HC (Her Campus): What’s been your favorite experience so far in your first year at Wake?

AW (Andrew Winters): I was at the Miami game that we won, that was a pretty cool one. The UNC football game was pretty fun, too; how we got rained out and then ended up winning. I stayed there for that and it was worth it!

HC: You play golf here at Wake – how is the team?

AW: Mhmm, we are pretty good. We’re having a good season so far. I think we’re ranked in the top 20 so that’s good.

HC: When did you begin golfing, and how did you get started in the sport?

AW: I think I started when I was five so I’ve been playing for most of my life. I honestly don’t know how I got started; I kind of grew up with it. I have an older brother who goes here, he always played and I went and played with him. I really loved it and so I kept playing.

HC: Do you have any weird rituals before playing in a big tournament?

AW: No, I generally just like to get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast the next day.

HC: What’s your favorite part of being on the team here?

AW: I really like all the guys on the team; we’re close friends so it’s nice to have older guys and Davis, who is my age. We are really close.


HC: What other things are you interested in, any hobbies?

AW: I’m part of Woof Forest.

HC: What’s that?

AW: It’s like a dog club; we do the rent-a-puppies thing. We don’t have a charter yet, so it’s not technically a club, but it will be soon. I just started in it, but it seems like a good idea. A bunch of my friends are in it also.

HC: That’s very cool; I didn’t know we had anything like that. So, if you could switch places with someone for a week, who would it be?

AW: I would say Tiger, but that’s just because he’s amazing at golf. Some people don’t like him too much. I’d like to see what goes through his mind and why he’s done some of the things he’s done.

HC: I saw him at the AT&T open, he is incredible!  But I see your point; I like him as a player but certainly not for his personal decisions.

AW: I like how he’s kind of worked through it all and had so much social criticism—that must be so hard to come back from.  

HC: Do you have any guilty pleasures or weird habits?

AW: I watch Revenge sometimes, I don’t know really.

HC: I know you’ve got plenty of time, but what do you think you’re going to study at Wake?

AW: I want to go to the business school. I was thinking of majoring in BEM.

HC: What do you think you want to do after college?

AW: Hopefully play professionally; I’ve got to see. Just have to see where I stand at the end of four years.

HC: It’s very cool that that’s a realistic possibility for you. So, what’s your biggest pet peeve?

AW: I hate when people drive really slowly. I tend to drive a little faster so… When people are going the speed limit is fine, but really slow is so annoying. And when they drive in the left lane on a two-lane highway is so terrible.

HC: Tell me about the first thing you notice in a girl.

AW: Her looks. Her face, her eyes or hair…smile maybe.

HC: And how long have you been dating your girlfriend?

AW: Almost two and a half years, so a while. She goes to Elon so she’s not that far.


HC: Describe a great date.

AW: I always like going to dinner. Some kind of activity also, over Thanksgiving, my girlfriend and I went ice skating. We’re not very good, but still to go do something is always fun. I like watching movies but I feel like it’s just kind of boring.

HC: What’s the worst thing a girl could do – the biggest turn off?

AW: I hate smoking. If they can’t hold a conversation, when there’s nothing to talk about it can get really frustrating.

HC: Do you have any tattoos?

AW: No.

HC: If you did, what would it be?

AW: I wouldn’t get a tattoo. I’ve never wanted one; I don’t see the point of it.

HC: Give me your top three artists.

AW: Pat Green, George Strait, and Josh Abbott Band

HC: Do you have a motto you like to live by?

AW: Total Pirate Move. I wouldn’t say we live by it, but we definitely use it as a phrase a lot.

HC: What’s the one thing you could never live without?

AW: Family and friends, I need a support system. 

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.