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Abroad Blog: Get Lost

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

I have now lived across the Atlantic Ocean in the land of Europeans for almost eight weeks. I know the following statement is very much a cliché, but it always holds to be true: time flies when you’re having fun (or simply traveling across Europe every other weekend).

I must say that every time I travel throughout the grand city of Madrid, I am greeted by a new area that has yet to be explored. Although the language barriers have caused some difficulty and stress when lost, I have come to enjoy the unexpected adventure of navigating my way home throughout an unknown city. Being born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I thought navigating Madrid would be easy, but this notion was definitely a false hope. Nevertheless, I hope that by the time December comes around – or at least by the time my family comes – I will know my way around. Although getting lost in an unknown city may seem frustrating and time-consuming, I have realized that this is the best way to explore a place you’ve never been. My advice to my fellow deacons who are now abroad, or to those thinking about going abroad in the future, is: GET LOST. (And I mean this in the safest way possibly, obviously!)

My experience getting lost in the few places I have visited – Toledo, Ibiza, Munich, London, Lisbon, and Barcelona – will remain forever the most memorable moments throughout my travel abroad experience.

In Munich, a fellow deacon and I traveled throughout the streets for a late night dinner in preparation for the next day’s festivities (a.k.a. Oktoberfest!). We came across a local Mediterranean restaurant, where we may have been the only non-European customers. In this small corner of Munich, I enjoyed the best pita bread, hummus, and falafel I have ever had.

And, in Barcelona, a group of deacons and I traveled to Park Güell, where we got extremely lost and somehow walked around the main entrance. We entered the park through a side entrance, which allowed us to see a view of Barcelona that we may have not otherwise seen. 

These two small anecdotes are simple examples of how getting lost in Europe may be the best piece of advice I can give to those who go abroad. Of course, one should get lost during the day and with a friend to avoid any type of danger. Having gotten lost in many of these wonderful cities has allowed me to experience the unexpected, which is by far the best way to discover Europe. 

Hey "y-all"..just joking I am from Brooklyn, New York. I am your Brooklyn raised loud voiced,spunky kinda girl. I have a New York accent and sassy attitude. However, I have learned to love the crisp air of North Carolina and the different pace of life. I am excited to have my voice heard and to listen to yours too!