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7 Tips to Staying Active and Loving Your Body 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Write Positive Messages on your mirror, white boards, and scales. 

There is no better way to start your morning than waking up and looking in the mirror only to see your reflection covered in compliments. 

Write a letter to your body 

This may sound cliché, but it is so relieving to release your innermost thoughts about your body. Plus, you might notice that the positives outweigh the negatives.

Eat foods that make you feel great 

Personally I love hummus. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, especially with carrots or Trader Joes Reduced Guilt Pita chips. But, if a nice bowl of hummus isn’t your thing, try veggie crusted pizza, cauliflower mac and cheese, or my favorite: black bean brownies. You won’t regret it; they’re all out of this world! 

Surround yourself with positive people 

With good food comes great company. Surround yourself with people who make you feel loved and encourage you to overcome all about the stressful events in your life. 

Workout for the fun of it and bring a friend 

Don’t just workout to lose weight; workout for the fun of it. Do something you love doing. Take a dance class. Go to the gym. Go for a walk. Swim. Laughing counts to.  


Water is our best friend, so let’s treat it like it. Drink up! This paired with sleep will have your skin glowing and body feeing great. Drown your toxins away. There is more than one way to stay hydrated. If water isn’t your thing, check out these alternatives. 


Who needs parties when you have sleep? There’s no such thing as too much sleep. If Sleeping Beauty can do it, so can we. If you get the proper amount of sleep at night and drink plenty of water, you’re bound to wake up looking like America’s Next Top Model. So next time your friends want to go out, say no thanks I have a date with my bed. 




Photos courtesy of: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/573575702526131705/







Makenna Dixon-Essien is your average Bay Area native who embraces her inner Martha Stewart, loves animals more than life, and lives in the clouds. She aspires to be the next Jane Goodall or George Schaller because who wouldn't. In her free time. . . just kidding she's pre-vet and has no free time. However, she enjoys spending the majority of her day socailizing, listening to music, and reading. She loves all things oragnic and wastes her summer Saturday's at the farmers market. You will always catch this girl laughing life away, especially when she has good company or a pup to play with. Fell free to leave comments and ask her questions, she is extremely friendly. :)  Follow her on twitter @makennade_ WFU '20 
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Betsy Mann

Wake Forest