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The 7 Best Ways to Nail An Interview: HC-Style!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Spring’s quickly approaching, and you know what that means – blooming flowers, bright colored pants, birds chirping and…summer internship search?!

OK, maybe that last bit didn’t freak most of you out because chances are, you already have started the process. But, I’m not here to talk about the actual process – hello it’s called the OPCD – I am here to talk about interviews.

This summer I went to the HerCampus Annual Intercollegiate Conference in NYC where I met with editors, internship coordinators, and producers working with companies such as Alloy Entertainment, Seventeen Magazine, Lucky, and NBC Chicago. I even got to hear from Ann Shoket– yes, that’s right, the editor-in-chief of Seventeen Magazine.

As I feverishly took notes trying to write down every word these women of wisdom had to say, I learned 7 ways to nail an interview. These words actually came from these ladies’ mouths, so trust me on this one.


  1. Arrive 10 minutes early before your interview.

This seems like a no-brianer. But, according to many of the panelists, sometimes if you arrive TOO early, you can look too eager. The HR person or intern coordinator could be busy with other work, so you shouldn’t make them feel rushed if you are sitting in the lobby waiting on them for 30 minutes.

  1. When the interviewer comes to get you, stand up and greet him or her; do not remain seated.

Sounds like common courtesy, right? But sometimes when you are nervous it is easy to forget!

  1. Sit at the edge of your chair.

“You don’t have the right to sit back,” Shoket explains. Sitting at the edge of your seat also forces you to look interested. If you are sitting back, your posture looks like you don’t care, and you can come across as lazy or apathetic.

  1. Don’t blab nonsense.

If you are stuck on a question, don’t just blab off nonsense. Sit poised, and tell the interviewer you need a moment to collect your thoughts. According to Bernadette Anat, Internship Coordinator and Executive Assistant to Ann Shoket for Seventeen Magazine, one of her most memorable interviews was when the interviewee paused and said, “Oh, that’s a good question, let me think about that.” Bernadette was shocked and respected that she thought about her answer before aimlessly speaking.


  1. Be prepared to ask the interviewer questions.

Interviewers like when you ask them questions such as, “What is your day-to-day like?” People always like to talk about themselves!

  1. Don’t giggle too much.

You can come across as an airhead. Acting mature was stressed among several panelists. It’s good to be positive and friendly, but being too nice and casual can hurt you.

  1. Make sure you follow up with a handwritten letter.

“Handwritten notes after an interview make a world’s difference,” according to Shoket. People will appreciate the time and effort you put into handwriting something – especially in these days!

So, collegiettes, as you prepare yourself for this summer, keep these 7 rules in mind to ensure a great interviewing process!

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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.
A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.