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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

It feels like the new year has been flying by, with the first month of the year already done. The start to a new year is always so refreshing, because you can really sit down and have time to plan goals, resolutions, bucket lists, whatever that may be, to get you set for the upcoming months. Seen all over social media in the realm of setting resolutions is creating a vision board. Vision boards are great for creating a visual piece that reminds you of what you would like to do, be, or accomplish in the year or life in general. Vision boards can be created whenever, constantly changing to your new goals and mindsets, but they’re especially helpful at the beginning of a year to see what you want to do. There are so many ways to go about making one, but here are my tips and tricks for making a vision board for the new year.

Find Images That Speak To you

With a vision board, an important piece is the images you choose. Look for images that resemble the goals you want to achieve in the year. If you want to run a half marathon? Find images of people crossing the finish line of a race or images from the race you want to sign up for. Finding specific images that match your goals is key because you can visually see what you want to achieve every day.

Put It Somewhere yOu’ll See It Everyday

You need to see a vision board every day to help you envision your dreams and goals. You can find templates online to make a computer lock screen complete with all the images you’ve chosen, or you can even make a physical board with printed images to hang in your room.

Align Your Goals To the Vision Board

This means that you need to be specific about what you want in life and what you want to achieve. Combining words, phrases, and affirmations with images is a great way to help stick these values in your mind because you have the visual confirmation that combines what you see and what you write.

Have Fun With It

One of my favorite things about creating a vision board is just the act and process of making it. It’s so fun to take the time to search on Pinterest or create a physical board. It really helps you get your mind in order for what you want to accomplish. However you make your creation, the important thing is to take the pressure off and just use your creativity and imagination to imagine your dream life.

Sylvia Mack

Virginia Tech '24

Sylvia is a senior at Virginia Tech studying Communication with a double minor in Sociology and Event and Experience Management.