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What Your Facebook Page Really Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Your Facebook profile has its own way of stereotyping you as a person.  I get it, it’s Facebook, and how much can it exactly tell others about you?  I mean Zuckerberg has given us the option of what we “like,” but is that really all that defines us on our page?  I mean come on, we all have our own quirky ways of stereotyping every person’s page, status update, profile picture update, cover photo, need I say more?  I’m talking about your friend who thinks it’s appropriate to post mirror shots in every new article of clothing; complete with a caption that seems to fish for compliments, ‘Cute new skirt! Looking kind of rough though.’  Yes, we are here to call you out.
Wait, you’re a cartoon?
You receive a Facebook friend request only to realize it’s Stewie from Family Guy.  Uhhh…. I’m sorry, but if the majority of your pictures are NFL players dancing after a touchdown, anime characters, and/or a picture of someone other than yourself be prepared for a rejection.  I mean if you need a picture of yourself I’d be happy to snap a Polaroid for you just lay off the cartoon glamour shots.
What it means: People might start dubbing you with “creepster” status if you don’t have pictures of yourself.
Living the dream…the high school dream.
We know you’re a little upset that you’re not attending keggers, bar crawls and all that is college life, but your bitter status updates regarding how you “F***ing hate this town” are getting a little redundant and extremely whiney.  You’ve continued to stay in a town you’ve called “the most boring place in the world” and you want all to be aware you’re ready to peace out.  We’re just waiting for the status that says you’ve moved away.
What it means:You’re a little bit of a drama queen.

Glamour Shots
I’m not quite sure what’s worse, perfecting your model shots or the camera flash in your bathroom mirror (I mean everyone can see your toilet).  This is one of Facebook’s trends that continue to blow my mind.  If the majority of your profile pictures consist of individual photos of you, such as glamour shots, mirror shots or random pictures you’ve solely posed for with your iPhone, then you might need to reevaluate your intentions.
What is means: You might be mistaken for way-too-into-yourself if you keep up the solo photo shoots.
The Muploader
We’ve all got ‘em, the friend who thinks it’s appropriate to upload an image to Facebook after every monumental part of their life.  They eat a Panini at Panera, snap, their cat makes a cute face, snap, they’re lying out by the pool so automatic leg pic, snap.
What it means: Keep the quick pics to a minimum unless you want people to think a to-die-for Panini is the highlight of your week.
Oh so you’re “Going to the doctor, the dentist, getting a smoothie and having a great day!” We’re so
proud of you.  Seriously though, the people that update their statuses with every aspect of their life need to keep that to a bare minimum.  Unless you’re looking for a stalker I’d stop giving us your play-by-play for the day.
What it means: It might appear to people that you’re wanting a specific person to know where you are.  Keep up your play-by-play updates and you might lose a few FB friends.

Caitlin is a senior Professional Writing major. Besides Her Campus, she is the Internal Social Chairwoman for Gamma Phi Beta Sorority. She loves the beach, animals, shopping, yoga, and Hokie football!