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VTDP- Virginia Tech Dude Problems on Twitter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Welcome to the life of a VT Dude. Life is filled with partying, girls and…the Empo? We totally understand and sympathize with tweets from VT Girl Problems…but we’re super interested to be let in on the world of the guys who make up 60% of our student population. The anonymous tweeting is cool and all, but super sleuths may be able to figure out who’s behind this Twitter account after all.
Her Campus Virginia Tech:We know you’re big on anonymity, but are there any clues you can offer as to who you are? 
VT Dude Problems: I feel like if you creep around my profile it won’t be too hard to find out who I am. There are a couple people who know who I am. Being anonymous does make tweeting from the account fun, but in all honesty, I have no problem telling someone who I am if they’re willing to meet me. Strangely enough, I have made some friends off of this account. Plus, it is always fun to playfully tease the girls and see how much stalking they’ll do to figure out who I am. One thing I’ve learned, don’t challenge a girl to social media stalking; you’ll lose in a heartbeat. =)
HCVT:Rumor has it you work at the Empo, any truth to that? 
VTDP:Let’s just say, for the sake of a pay check, it is better for me to leave that unanswered.  I’m not too sure certain people would be happy to know that.
HCVT: What made you interested in starting a Twitter account? 
VTDP:Well, I like to joke around a lot. I first saw the VTGP account a couple of weeks after it opened up; I thought it was funny and thought someone should make a guy version. However, Twitter never really struck me. Honestly, Facebook and Twitter both annoy me, but somehow I got addicted to them. Anyways, I didn’t want to make it right away. A couple months went by and still no one had created the account. I saw the VTGP account had taken off with so much success and just thought “What the hell, why not?” Next thing you know, VTDP is up and running.
HCVT:We know you recently hung out with the girls behind VT Girl Problems, can we expect any more hang outs? 
VTDP: WELL. Where to begin, where to begin? “Gather around the camp fire kids.” Haha but nah. It was definitely an interesting night. I personally don’t remember too much of it, but from what I’ve been told it was fun. I have to give a shout out to VTPartyProblems because two of the girls from that account really got the whole thing going. I knew the VTPP girls before hand and, well… let’s just say it was kind of a shock to learn who one of the VTGP girls was. Nonetheless, the VTPP and VTGP girls really hit it off right from the beginning, so it is pretty safe to say that more hang outs will happen in the future.
HCVT:What can we look forward to in the future from VT Dude Problems?
VTDP: Haha who knows. The raunchy tweets will definitely keep coming ;)
HCVT:Any last-minute advice for the Hokie dudes out there? 
VTDP:There’s so much to say on this one. Lets see… if you plan on getting S%^t faced, don’t plan on getting laid. Don’t be desperate, play it cool. Don’t go into something with the soul intent of getting laid. Girls can tell and at that point you’re just cock blocking yourself. It all starts with a casual conversation. Make a girl feel like she can have some kind of connection, or get some level of mental stimulation out of you and that will lead to some of the craziest, most enjoyable sex you’ve ever had. Trust me, both my bathroom counter and I can vouch for that one. Always, ALWAYS wrap it. Even if it’s your girlfriend and you know she’s clean. No one needs a kid before graduation. I’ve seen too many lives ruined that way, even here at Tech. Keep your place clean, or at least clean it Friday before you go out. Sure, she may not notice it that night, but she won’t want to have shower sex, or couch sex… or just morning sex with you the next morning (or next weekend) if its not clean. There’s so much advice that can be given. But, plain and simple, be safe and respect women. Even if it is a one night stand, don’t embarrass her or let your roommates give her crap the next morning. Finally, don’t let haters trash VT. We are all one giant family.

Megan is a sophomore at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. She is pursuing her B.A. in Communications with a concentration in Multimedia Journalism as well as a B.A. in Spanish Language. She is also pursuing a minor in Creative Writing. Megan updates her personal blog daily, and had a weekly blog as a Contributing Blogger for Her Campus Virginia Tech during her freshman year. As a dedicated member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Megan serves as the official blogger. Megan's interest in journalism began with her involvement with her high school's newspaper; where she served as an assistant section editor and a section editor her sophomore and junior years. She was the managing editor her senior year. In her free time, Megan enjoys running and competing in races, reading on her Kindle, and taking photos. 
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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!