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Virginia Tech Girl Problems

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Virginia Tech Girl Problems has continued to blow us away on Twitter.  Their account is raunchy, provocative and un-ladylike, but we can’t stop following (or laughing).  Since they are completely anonymous I did not “sit down” with them for the interview, but rather emailed secretively.  Let’s just say I got the 411 on VT Girl Problems and this is what my so-called interview entailed from these mysterious Hokie ladies:
Her Campus Virginia Tech: So we know you like to be secretive (we dig the whole 007 approach), but can you give us some nicknames you have?
VT Girl Problems:Now that’s not very James Bond, is it? If we were to give you nicknames, we’d be exposed almost immediately. #sorryboutit
HCVT: Word on the street is that there are three of you girls.  Can you confirm this?
VT Girl Problems: Yes, there are 3 of us. It works really well because if one of us has a busy day and doesn’t update, we can always count on someone else to update. That way there’s always new stuff posted every day. Also, we all have different personalities, so that kind of adds variety. We’re sure some of our followers picked up on this a while ago.

HCVT: What are you all studying at this fine university?
VT Girl Problems: For the purpose of remaining uber-anonymous, we’re going to decline to comment. But we are studying the latest trends, hot boys and what our Hokies are getting into ;)

HCVT: First things first, what made you decide to create this anonymous and funny Twitter account?
VT Girl Problems: It all started when one of the group members was tweeting about annoying things around campus—like how the wind is an evil b*tch and things of that nature. We were also bored and just wanted something fun to distract us and procrastinate. We didn’t think it would get this popular but we’re glad it did! It gives us incentive to tweet more now that we have a lot of followers and when we “retweet”our followers, they really do get excited! We love you girls (and guys too)!

HCVT: Some of your tweets are ridiculous, raunchy and downright hilarious; do most of your tweets apply to your real-life?
VT Girl Problems: Yes, most of them do, although it’s different for each of us. We all like to live it up, but sometimes we just come up with random ones. I’m sure everyone can say that they get annoyed on campus by something random at least once a day or has that unfortunate party mishap that happens to all of us every once in a while.  These things just seem to happen more often to us.
HCVT: We know that you keep things very anonymous, but do you think a lot of people have figured out your real identities?
VT Girl Problems: Only our roommates and maybe a few people we’ve drunkenly told know. To be fair: we only tell people when we’re drunk if they have no idea what the account is. Or what Twitter is for that matter. For anyone else that has found out in a different way: You’re a ninja. Congratulations.
HCVT: Have you ladies received any hate mail for starting the account? If so, what have people been saying?
VT Girl Problems: We’ve had a couple girls mention and call us names in their tweets. There was also a “realVTGirlProbz” account that was created seemingly out of spite (no hard feelings if it wasn’t). Also some JMU girl tweeted at us saying we weren’t as good as the “JMUGirlProblems” account, but in our opinion the Hokies are always better; including twitter accounts. #sorrynotsorry
HCVT: We noticed that there is a VT Dude Problems Twitter account. Do you guys know who these guys are?
VT Girl Problems: We’re not sure. There have been three guys that mentioned us asking if they should create one. We messaged back saying it would be funny if they did. But honestly we can’t remember who they were!
HCVT: What are you ladies going to do with the VT Girl Problems account when you graduate? Are you going to pass the torch to new girls?
VT Girl Problems: That may be an option. Honestly, we never thought it was going to get as big as it has since it all started as a joke. It’s awesome that we have so many followers and I know we all make an effort to entertain you guys as much as possible. So we wouldn’t want to let anyone down if we just graduated and abandoned the account. I guess we’ll just have to see where it goes. A lot can change in a year and a half (yes, we will at least admit that all of us are juniors). Who knows, maybe we’ll start taking applications next year.
HCVT: What would be the best advice you could pass down Hokie ladies?
VT Girl Problems: Ho(ki)es before bros, keep it classy and stay thirsty.

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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!