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On the Valentine’s Day Menu— One Faux Pas and Five Fun Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

            Valentine’s Day is just a blink away, so ladies it’s time for you to start dropping hints like no other, and for your man to start denying the fact that anything is going to happen. Their reason being that Valentine’s Day purely represents a capitalistic Hallmarkian holiday, created for making wealthy people wealthier. Unfortunately, he’s onto something there, but that is not what this blog is about. In my personal opinion, Valentine’s Day is pretty stupid, but I also find a hard time not buying into the idea that money being spent on me isn’t all bad. I also find it a very high-pressure holiday.  People are not only judging and comparing your Valentine’s experience to their own, but the pressure put on your relationship can also mount to extremely high levels because you both just want the day to be “perfect”…and sweet Collegiettes, in my book, perfect is as rare as the wild bonobo!

For example, last year was my boyfriend and my first V.D. together. He told me to dress comfortably and be ready by 7:30. Naturally, I threw on a sexy little dress and heels…and was ready by 8:30. When he picked me up he told me we were going roller-skating. It started to sink in why he advocated for the comfy clothes, rather than the borderline skanky assemble I had squeezed myself into. I wanted to go roller-skating, but I also wanted to eat (naturally). So, I suggested that, and simultaneously realized that the roller-skating arena was only open until 9:30, so it didn’t seem worth the money to go for an hour. We changed plans and pulled into a Japanese Steakhouse, and waited for well over an hour for a spot to open up. As we sat down our waitress presented herself as a royal betch. My boyfriend vaguely knew her, and she seemed to have a problem with me specifically. Long story short she threw a good-sized tray of soy sauce on me. Clothes, coat, hair, etc. And if you’re thinking “Wow– she better have apologized profusely and cleaned everything up”…you’re right. But that’s not the route she took. She simply walked away from the table for the remainder of the meal. Holding tears back I wished myself a ‘Happy fricking Valentine’s Day’.  
So this year I’m taking a different route—No surprises! I compiled a list of possible and plausible activities that are soy sauce free and hopefully reduce the pressure of last minute planning! Also ladies, feel free to take the pressure off your man and make the plans yourself! That’s a gift in itself to an already stressed out guy.

1.     Make Dinner at Home
I love cooking at home with my beau because it is something we do together as a team. We assign certain tasks based on the meal and get to work. I’m not going to lie we’re pretty cheesy when we do it, and we’ll feed each other bites along the way and squeeze a tushy here and there. Maybe that’s why I like it so much? Anyway, even though Valentine’s Day is a “holiday” and merits a “special occasion” I would still love spending the night in making a meal that is fun and challenging. Daww. A way to spice up cooking at home is to make dinner backwards. Start with a dessert, than an entrée, than a salad, etc. etc. Than when everything is done, leave the dishes for the morning and pass out together in a snuggle fest/food coma.

2.     Rent a Hotel Room
If a quiet night at home isn’t your speed than renting a nice hotel room can provide a fun change of scenery. Naturally, room service is a must because you won’t want to waste time putting clothes back on. Changing up the scenery is a perfect way to spice up your sex lives and could make you feel spontaneous! Don’t forget, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about receiving, although I’m not against that—so ladies play your cards right and take advantage of the splurge (this sounds dirty…I like it)! 

3.     Go for a Long Drive
I honestly feel like my boyfriend and I started dating because we used to go on long drives through the country with the intention of getting lost. Being in a car wandering through the outskirts of your college town can be very aesthetically pleasing and allow you to loosen up and be very honest with your partner. Instead of feeling the pressure to look and act a certain way on V.D. you could split the cost of filling up the gas tank and just go get lost together. This innocent activity could very well bring you even closer together, and perhaps you’ll even find a perfect pull off for stargazing! You could even bring a couple candles and a simple picnic to make the night more romantic, if you are looking for that V.D. spark!
4.     Have Sex Somewhere New and Frisky
Any excuse to have sex is a good one, so why not take advantage of the holiday designed to spend money on your partner and get the love juices flowing? I think yes. Instead of reverting to your regular “spot” or “routine” challenge yourselves to “do it” somewhere fun and fresh! Make it as romantic or lack there of as you want, just have fun with it! Honestly, I’m not advocating per se that you defile a friend’s house while they’re out, but I’m also not ruling it out. Another fun idea is creating sex coupons for your partner—why stop the fun in February? Be crazy and laugh about it later over a drink and a double cheeseburger…or a box of chocolates. Tis the season for making spawn!
5.     Double or Triple Date
Chances are you spend a great deal of time with your boyfriend/girlfriend throughout the week so, making “special” time may not be that exciting or necessary. In that case why not round up a group of your closest friends, or couples and go out for a nice fancy dinner together. It’s kind of weird and cultish seeing all the couples out and about on Valentine’s Evening so why not break the norm and go as a group?  Make a reservation before you go though so you don’t wait for hours for a big enough table to open up! Also, after dinner plan a fun group activity—something like bowling, ice-skating, or hosting charades!

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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!