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Top 5 Awesome Party Themes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

So Halloween is over and all your costume ideas and party moods are worn out.  A lot of people tend to slow their roll after the most epic weekend of the whole year. Alas young grasshopper, you are making a gregarious mistake! There is plenty of more fun to be had! Check out these five party themes to inspire you and your friends to rage in a whole new way.
1.      Decades: Every attendee must dress themselves in the style they believe they were really supposed to live in.  For example: 1920s: flapper 1950s: greaser 1980s: aerobics instructor OR who knows, cavemen?
2.      Greek Gods: Not just your regular toga party. Everyone dresses as a Greek god or goddess. Apollo:
God of the Sun, Nike: Goddess of Victory, etc. and of course the host has to go as Bacchus: the God of Wine (basically of Partying as my H.S. Latin teacher always stressed)
3.      Heritage: Everyone reps their country of origin, whether it’s the nations colors or full out cultural dress. Be sure to have alcohol from all over the world i.e. Vodka for Russia, Tequila for Mexico etc.
4.      Power Animal: Rage in either costumes or t-shirts of your favorite animal.  Make sure to keep the jungle juice flowing all night long and of course play ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ on repeat.
5.      Lovers & Fighters: Could also be similar to hippies and military attire. Or dress as any kind of warrior like a ninja or peacemaker like Gandhi. 

Caitlin is a senior Professional Writing major. Besides Her Campus, she is the Internal Social Chairwoman for Gamma Phi Beta Sorority. She loves the beach, animals, shopping, yoga, and Hokie football!