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Tim Alvarado ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is Tim Alvarado, a senior accounting major from Rockville, MD.  I was lucky enough to sit down and talk with him to find out more information for our readers.
Full name: Timothy Alvarado                       
Nicknames:Timmy or Tim
Relationship Status: Single, but if the right lady comes along you never know
Her Campus Virginia Tech: What do you want to do when you graduate?
Timothy Alvarado:I would have to say tax consulting. I enjoy the critical thinking this profession involves, and the potential of helping all kinds of businesses.
HCVT: What do you like to do in your spare time?
TA: I really enjoy reading some of my favorite authors, like Dan Brown and Mitch Albom. Also, whenever I get the chance, I enjoy spending time with my family.
HCVT: What’s your favorite thing about being a Hokie?
TA:The tradition is the best. I love going to tailgates and seeing our Hokie teams do what they do best: WIN.
HCVT: Favorite sport?
TA:It would have to be a three-way tie between hockey, football and wrestling.
HCVT: Favorite NFL team?
TA:Hail to the Skins
HCVT:Favorite food?
TA:Anything that involves chicken.
HCVT: Favorite TV show?
TA:It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
HCVT: Favorite movie?
TA:The Shawshank Redemption
HCVT: Twitter or Facebook?
HCVT: What do you look for in a girl?
TA:Nothing draws my attention more than a girl who has ambition and drive to be the best.

HCVT: If you could take a girl anywhere for a first date, where would it be?
TA:One of my favorite restaurants is a place called Sequoias. It’s right on the Georgetown waterfront; it has amazing food, and a great atmosphere.
HCVT: Who would you say is your celebrity crush?
TA:I’ve had a crush on Jennifer Aniston for the longest time.
HCVT: What would you say is the most important thing in a relationship?
TA:Nothing is more important in a relationship than honesty, trust and communication.
HCVT: Anything else you want our readers to know?
TA:I’m pretty straightforward. When someone asks for my opinion, I’ll tell him or her exactly what I’m thinking. I am also part of a fraternity, which has taught me how to be a gentleman of quality and introduced me to people I am proud to call my brothers. 

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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!