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The Five Hobbies You Need According to TikTok

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

If you know me, you know the thoughts running through my mind each day do so at about 75 miles per minute. I love school and put my courses first, but I also have several other priorities, such as being a technical writing intern and being a writer for Her Campus. With all of this being said, it is safe to conclude that I am a busy woman! Still, I understand the importance of taking care of myself. For me, this means exploring my hobbies. 

This past summer, my TikTok timeline was absolutely flooded with videos about people’s wellness tips, daily routines and hobbies. Because I have many hobbies of my own, I thought I’d share some of mine with you. Each day, I try to fulfill each of these categories I have listed with a hobby in some shape or form. Not only do I feel less stressed when I do this, I feel more motivated to complete my daily tasks. So without further ado, here are the five hobbies I try to live by each day.

A hobby to expand my knowledge:

To expand my knowledge means exactly what it sounds like: learning something new every day. For me, this first means completing homework and readings for my classes. In addition to my schoolwork, I try to listen to a podcast or read a book each day in an effort to continue broadening my overall education. Right now, I am currently reading “Don’t Make Me Think!” by Steve Krug — a book about making the web user-friendly using a human-centered approach. I am super interested in user experience writing, so this book has given me plenty of insight on the topic.

A hobby to bring me wealth:

This hobby is not as simple as it sounds. When it comes to money, I’m not exactly wise. In fact, I probably spend a lot more than I should. That is why this year I set up a budget for myself to keep track of my finances. Additionally, I’ve been selling old clothes on Poshmark to bring in extra cash.

A hobby to spark my creative side:

Over quarantine two years ago, I became addicted to painting. I always loved to paint before, but while on lockdown, painting became a crucial part of my daily routine. It is important for me to continue expressing myself through painting and drawing each day. It’s practically therapy. My absolute favorite thing to do is grab an iced coffee from Dunkin’ and sit by the duck pond on campus while painting. If you’re looking to destress, definitely try this out.

A hobby to keep me in good health:

Going into this school year, I had one goal: to work out almost every day. I can proudly say that I have stuck to this goal, and I feel the best I’ve felt in years. My biggest tips are to switch up your exercise routine and go to bed earlier. By practicing yoga, running, weightlifting and more, the variety of exercises ensures I never get bored. However, I can’t do any of those things if I don’t get at least seven hours of sleep, so I always allow enough time to properly reset each night.

A hobby to evolve my mindset:

This last hobby is definitely my favorite, as it means focusing extra on my mental health. To evolve my mindset, I believe there are two steps that must be taken to successfully grow. First, you need to listen. By listening, you are interpreting positive thoughts and new perspectives. I often do this by listening to podcasts about mental health and business. Second, apply those thoughts. I apply the thoughts I’m interpreting by setting goals for myself and journaling each day. By setting goals for myself and personally evaluating my progress, I am able to hold myself accountable and make changes in my life when necessary. For example, if I’m listening to a podcast or see an inspirational quote I know applies to me, I’ll journal about it — asking myself what it means in general and what it means to me as a person. 

I’m a firm believer that journaling is the best way to promote personal growth. By writing down my thoughts and feelings, I can in many ways “check” myself. 

Every day, I try to do something to fulfill each of these hobbies. I reflect on what I couldn’t accomplish and plan how I can accomplish it the next day instead. With this practice, each day feels like a fresh start and a new chance to achieve my goals. If you’re reading this, let it be your sign to do what you love and explore more of your hobbies today.

Taylor Walsh

Virginia Tech '23

Hi everyone! I'm Taylor Walsh and I'm a Professional and Technical Writing major here at Tech. I'm from Bristow, Virginia--about 40 minutes south of D.C. In addition to writing, I love painting, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family!