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How to Fit Reading into Your Schedule

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

No matter how busy it is

College is busy for anyone, and when you have to stay on top of assignments, classes, work, and extracurriculars, it can feel impossible to make time for yourself and it is easy to feel like you need to sacrifice your hobbies. I’ve been an avid reader my whole life, but since coming to college I’ve felt like I have to make more efforts to incorporate reading into my schedule. Here are some tips and tricks I’ve found that have helped me continue to read without adding anything else to my schedule and have motivated me to continue reading.

always have a book on you

I will always have a book in my backpack because sometimes you may find yourself with a weird chunk of time while on campus where you don’t have enough time to focus on your schoolwork but you also have enough time to sit down for a little. Especially when it is a nice day out, there is little I love more than to find a nice spot a read for a little bit in between classes.

read while waiting

I find the most convenient times for me to read are while I am waiting for something. For example, while I wait for the workout classes in McCombas to start, I will read when I am sitting in line. Other times can be while waiting for food, on the bus, or if you arrive a few minutes early to a class.

have a book that you are excited to read next

When I have a book on my TBR that I plan to read next it allows me to be more motivated to finish the book I am currently reading. Because I’ll be honest, sometimes books can get slow or feel long and it can be hard to continue reading it, even if you are enjoying the book, so when I have a book that I am excited to read after it helps me get through those more boring parts.

listen to audiobooks

College involves a LOT of walking, which is the perfect time to listen to an audiobook! 

Here are some audiobooks I recommend: 

  • Paris: The Memoir. I loved this audiobook because Paris Hilton speaks it and I adore her voice.
  • Daisy Jones and The Six. Each character is said by a different person which makes it easier to follow along.
  • The Woman in Me. This is a memoir written by Britney Spears and although it is not spoken by her, it was a very easy and interesting story to listen to. 

don’t be afraid to dnf a book

DNF stands for “Did Not Finish” and it is a very useful skill to have. Especially when you are already a good amount into the book, it feels like you wasted so much time by not finishing the book. But sometimes a book is just not your style, and there is nothing wrong with that. Don’t force yourself to finish a book because it may make you resent reading and the key thing to remember while reading is that it’s supposed to be fun! 

Laura Lafreniere

Virginia Tech '27

Hi! My name is Laura and I am a freshman at Virginia Tech. I am majoring in multimedia journalism with a minor in international relations. I like to journal, read, and go to the gym. 🩵🌱🌞