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Five Books I Have Read This Year

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Every year I always set a reading goal for myself, hoping to increase the amount of books I read yearly. However, I find that I am not really learning from the books I’m reading. It feels like I am reading just to read or to say I read “X” amount of books. In order to make a change, this year I decided to set a lower book goal, with the promise I’d read books that are more enriching. Books I can learn from. Here are five books I have read this year and what I’ve learned from them. 

1. “The creative act” by rick rubin

“The Creative Act” is one of the most unique books I’ve ever read. This is a very abstract book explaining how to bring out your creativity. I think everyone can learn something from reading this. A common misconception is that this book will not be fulfilling to those who don’t identify themselves as artists. Being a college student is one of the best times to be creative and to try new things, especially if you have the resources to do so. This book explains the importance of creativity and how the more creative you are, the more open you are, and the more open you are, the more you will open yourself up to new possibilities. 

2. “Talking to strangers” by malcolm gladwell

“Talking to Strangers” is one of Malcom Gladwell’s most popular books. It discusses situations in history that are overlooked as he reexamines them and assesses; what went wrong? This book was extremely eye opening on how people in society act and how we perceive strangers. After reading this, I feel more self aware of interactions I have with my friends and with strangers. 

3. “Outliers” by malcolm gladwell

“Outliers” is another great Gladwell novel that covers the ideas of success. We believe that what gives someone success is their individual talents and merits. Gladwell challenges this idea by assessing situations in history when a culture of success was built within a community. 

4. “let my people go surfing” by yvon choUinard

One of my favorite books of all time, “Let My People Go Surfing” is about a reluctant businessman and founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard. He takes us through the ideation process of Patagonia and how they crafted a sustainable and ethical outerwear company. What I love the most about this book is Chouinard’s transparency while storytelling the creation of this brand. 

5. “becoming better grownups” by brad montague

Recommended by my best friend, this book was one I would have likely otherwise walked past in a bookstore. However, I am so glad I was given this book. “Becoming Better Grownups” is about how adults tend to lose their sense of identity, compassion and even love as they become older. As we take on more responsibilities and reach different mental milestones, we tend to lose sight of ourselves. Brad Montague discusses how he visited classrooms all over the nation, called the ‘Listening Tour’ as he asked children, “What do you want adults to know?” A truly insightful read about how much we have to learn from children and their kindred spirit. 

Rachel Brockway

Virginia Tech '27

Rachel is a freshman at Virginia Tech majoring in Cybersecurity Management & Analytics and double minoring in International Business and Digital Marketing Strategy. In her free time, Rachel enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and thrifting.