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Farmers and Formals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

This past week, I was surprised while walking by Burruss Hall by two girls giving away free apples and oranges to passersby. They sat at a simple card table with bright colored signs describing their cause- sustainability and the benefits of eating locally. I personally love the idea of eating locally and organically. Growing up, my family had vegetable gardens and it was always so rewarding to pick fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to eat for dinner.
After finishing the Run in Remembrance (a great run for an even better cause), I went to Starbucks per usual to get some reading done. I finished the first two books in The Maze Runner series (The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials).  Although they’re not the typical book I go for, I loved them as is evident by the weeklong span it took me to finish both. I’ve since started a new book, The Book Thief, because I refuse to buy the third book to finish off the series since I’m pretty sure it’s only out in hardcover. I may consider purchasing it for my Kindle Fire- but only if it’s cheaper. Ah, the joys of reading for fun

Okay, so since writing this blog, I gave in and bought the third book in The Maze Runner series, The Death Cure. I had a 15% off coupon at Barnes and Noble- the perfect excuse to buy a hardcover book!  The fact I finished it in one day should suffice in saying that I completely enjoyed it. I also finished The Book Thief this past week, and it’s definitely on my list of favorite books now.

After I was done at Starbucks, I was starving and definitely needed some lunch. As I was walking back to my dorm, I noticed the Blacksburg Farmer’s Market in Main Street Park. Growing up, I loved going to our local Farmer’s Market in Oak Park, Illinois. We always got fresh fruit, veggies, and the best powdered sugar donuts on the planet. I love the idea of supporting local businesses while being able to eat locally.  I think it’s so cool to be able to eat something that was grown so close to home. At the Farmer’s Market, I purchased an apple the size of a small child’s head and ate it while browsing the various other items.

Local vendors were selling all kinds of things: fruit, vegetables, baked goods, and GRANOLA! There were a few vendors selling homemade granola, and I couldn’t have been more excited at that sight. They even had mini spoons so I could taste test each flavor combination. I didn’t buy any granola on my first visit because I knew I was getting lunch after and didn’t want to spoil that with large amounts of granola. On my second visit, I bought the Hokie mixture of granola; it seemed fitting. I encourage you to visit the Farmer’s Market and experience some of the homemade and local goods from Blacksburg. The market is right off of Draper Drive in Blacksburg and it open on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm and Wednesdays from 2pm to 7pm.

That evening, I attended my sorority’s first formals and they were so much fun! I loved spending the evening with my sisters and learning more about the great aspects of sisterhood. I have some great memories from that night.

Anyway, I should probably get started on some homework. I went to a yoga class last night and basically fell asleep during the meditation part at the end, I think I’m still in that lazy mood where I’d rather do anything but start on homework. This is a problem considering finals are drawing nearer and nearer. Oh well, I guess that’s why I love waking up early. Even though I plan and schedule so I can get everything done, I can always fall back on the idea that I’ve got some free time since I’ve gotten a lot of my daily tasks done early.
Favorite breakfast this week: Kashi Go Lean Crunch Mixed Berry and Chobani Blueberry yogurt

Megan is a sophomore at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. She is pursuing her B.A. in Communications with a concentration in Multimedia Journalism as well as a B.A. in Spanish Language. She is also pursuing a minor in Creative Writing. Megan updates her personal blog daily, and had a weekly blog as a Contributing Blogger for Her Campus Virginia Tech during her freshman year. As a dedicated member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Megan serves as the official blogger. Megan's interest in journalism began with her involvement with her high school's newspaper; where she served as an assistant section editor and a section editor her sophomore and junior years. She was the managing editor her senior year. In her free time, Megan enjoys running and competing in races, reading on her Kindle, and taking photos. 
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Laura Baugh

Virginia Tech

Laura Baugh is a senior at Virginia Tech where she is double majoring in Communications and Film. When not busy with school, Laura enjoys editing film and video, being the general manager at VTTV, spending time with her amazing sisters in Gamma Phi Beta, playing her guitar, and reading Her Campus! She is also obsessed with her school's athletics. Go Hokies!