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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

As finals get closer and closer, we all start to lose a bit of our sanity. Whether it be from lack of sleep or excessive amounts of stress, we all look for little ways to relieve stress. For me, Christmas movies are the perfect solution to this problem. Most of them don’t run over an hour and a half long, and they’re easy to get into, making them the perfect study break. For anyone new to the genre, though, here are some of my favorites.


1. White Christmas

For all my musical lovers out there, this movie is for you. In fact, this movie was originally a musical, and it was later adapted into a movie. This movie features Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye as a song and dance duo, who later team up with a popular sister act to save a failing inn in Vermont. The two pairs start to become romantically involved, and chaos ensues.


2. The Polar Express

This movie seems to be quite polarizing, but it’s still one of my favorites. I mean, who doesn’t love learning about the true meaning of Christmas from Tom Hanks and three adorable kids. On top of that, the Hot Chocolate song is still one of my favorites and nobody can convince me otherwise.


3. The Holiday

This one is a recent discovery, but still a favorite nonetheless. With a cast of Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, and Jack Black, what’s not to love? Two women who find themselves newly single at the holidays switch homes. The catch? One lives in England, and the other in Los Angeles. When the two switch, they meet some unexpected people, and new beginnings start to blossom.


4. Elf

I mean at this point, who hasn’t seen Elf? Will Ferrell stars in the classic Christmas movie about what it is to truly believe in the magic of Christmas, and even though there’s not much more to say about it, the movie remains a favorite nonetheless.

5. The Santa Clause

Tim Allen in a Santa suit with hundreds of elves teaching him the meaning of Christmas. What’s not to love? I have been watching this movie since I was about five, and I will probably still be watching it when I’m fifty. When young Charlie and his dad, Scott Calvin (Tim Allen), witness Santa’s untimely death, they are both taken on the journey of a lifetime. Scott, having been the person to witness Santa’s death, must now take over the duties of Santa Claus even though he is a bit of a self-proclaimed scrooge. Through learning what it means to be Santa, Charlie and Scott learn the value of family and the Christmas spirit.


6. Love, Actually

This movie is another controversial choice. From what I understand, people either love this movie or they hate it. No in-between. I myself fall into the first category, but then again, I’m a sucker for a good holiday rom-com. This movie, with another star-studded cast, focuses on the relationships with the people we hold closest, and how those relationships can change during the month leading up to the holidays. A bit cheesy at times, this movie is perfect for the holiday season.

Overall, whether you’re looking for something funny and lighthearted, or a good old ‘cry your eyes out’ rom-com, this list should have you covered for all your study-break needs this finals season.


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Catharine Knowles

Virginia Tech '21

Hi friends! My name is Cat, and I come from a one-stoplight town in rural Pennsylvania, but I love to read, write, edit, and much more. I have always dreamed of seeing my name on the spine of a book, and you'll almost never find me without my nose in a novel or not obsessing over a new tv show or movie adaptation.