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galentine\'s day party
Krista Stucchio

21! The Age Our Entire Lives Lead Up To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

The big 21! I know everyone looks forward to the day we turn 21. The excitement of getting into bars, clubs, the ABC store, and other 21 and over events is almost matched by the anxiety of being a full adult. To me, 21 means a lot more than just being able to go to TOT’s Tuesday.

I have always felt very strange when my birthday comes around, a whole day I expect people to talk to me and congratulating me on another year survived. Every birthday seems to be leading up to this one and can almost desensitize a person to the importance. Especially as college students where underage drinking is very common.

I honestly never thought I would make it to 21, so in some ways, it is a huge milestone. In other ways, it seems like quite a large burden. When an age seems so important it can make the rest of your life feel dull, like the rest is bond to go downhill.

Turning 21 is a world of new responsibilities and the responsibility sets in the very first day. According to APA.org, 75 percent of students reported some type of negative consequence as a result of drinking on their 21st birthday. Birthday’s are cause for celebration but on your 21st it is really important to be cautious about where and how much you are drinking. 

21 can make family events a little more bearable but the cost of drinks outweighs most of the benefits. College kids are notorious for being broke and once you hit 21 dinners only get more expensive. 

However, there are so many benefits of growing up, I can now go out and don’t have to be left behind, I am almost fully independent, and I can finally get a new driver’s license picture. I can even buy nicotine and smoke legal weed in Virginia.

I have fully entered my 20s and the end of my school career is staring me in the face with the adult ‘real’ world ready to consume my life. 21 seems less about celebrating with alcohol and more about the stresses of adult life coming for me.

For my 21st birthday, I want to make a plan for my life and use this year to find other things to look forward to, other than being able to buy drinks.

Caroline Reed

Virginia Tech '24

Caroline is a senior majoring in Multimedia Journalism and minoring in Creative Writing at Virginia Tech. Caroline has been apart of HerCampus for four years and loves being around such a fun group of girls! She loves writing short fiction, poetry, and news articles. She enjoys watching old movies and listening to Taylor Swift.