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5 Things to Know About February 14th as told by Will Ferrell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or not really sure what’s going on, there are a few general things everyone should know about February 14th. Some people love this day, other people hate it, but either way it’s completely unavoidable. It comes every year, so for those who love it, don’t worry it’s never going away, but for those who hate it don’t worry either because it’s only one day. For the lovers, haters, or in betweeners, here are 5 things to know about February 14th as told by Will Ferrell.

1. It’s a bigger deal than everyone thinks. Of course when you wake up on Valentine’s day it feels different, you know it’s not just an ordinary day and whether you’re single or not you know it’s not just another day of the week. So, you decide not to ignore this fact. Maybe you put on a pink sweater or a red scarf thinking, “okay, I’ll get a little festive, it can’t hurt.” Well when you get out in public you realize everyone is dressed like they would on a normal day. You suddenly feel like your kindergarten teacher who went all out for the holiday with face paint, a heart covered turtle-neck, and wore red from head to toe. You are so embarrassed and can’t believe you did this. If you’re in a relationship you’ll think everyone is judging you for gloating about your love life and if you’re not you think people will feel pity for you.

Don’t worry though, a pink sweater or a red scarf is a normal outfit, and you’ll be fine.

2. You will receive some type of present. Whether it’s from your boyfriend, your mom, or your roommate everyone is aware of what day it is and everyone loves presents. Maybe it’s just chocolate or maybe it’s a piece of jewelry you wanted, but no matter the size or the quantity, any present is guaranteed to make us smile. So whether you love or hate February 14th, you will most likely receive something that day. (A hug or a kiss also counts!)

3. You can eat whatever you want. For the single ladies, Valentine’s Day is the time for the “C” foods … chocolate, cheese, chips maybe even a few cocktails. No one’s judging you girl, so go for it! If you can’t be happy about most things on Valentine’s Day at least be thankful for the amazing food you can chow down on without having to worry about who’s watching. And for those girls with significant others, Valentine’s day is also a great day for food. Whether you’re going out or just staying in, odds are you’re going to have a great meal, and since your relationship is strong you, too can chow down without feeling judged.

4. It won’t go as planned. Like every single other holiday, Valentine’s Day is always hyped up way too much. You feel like you need to have plans or it has to be special or different, but the truth is it’s really just another day. You may be surprised in a good way like if you thought you were going to sit in bed all day alone and your friends decide to go out together or if you didn’t think you were going to get to see your long distance boyfriend and he surprises you. It can also be the complete opposite. Maybe you had dinner plans with your friends that fell through or you couldn’t get a reservation to that special place you wanted to try with your significant other. It’s okay! There will be other days that you can do these things, you don’t have to do them just because everyone is hyping up the fact that it’s a holiday.

5. It’ll be over before you know it. As with every other day of the year, February 14th is only 24 hours. Whether it’s a good 24 hours or a lame 24 hours, it will eventually end. Since Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year you’ll probably end up sitting in bed or on the couch flipping the channels on your TV when you realize the only thing on are rom coms, but you watch anyway. You can’t deny yourself the satisfaction of a happy ending and by the end maybe you’re in tears or just can’t stop smiling and you will think…