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10 Reasons Big Sisters are the Best Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

Since I’ve been born my sister has always been there for me. From playing with Barbies in our basement or practicing soccer in the backyard to watching One Tree Hill or going shopping together, I have always had my big sister by my side. Although we’re both in college now and don’t see each other everyday, we still have an unbreakable bond that will last forever. My big sister has been my best friend since I was born and I know she always will be. Here are 10 reasons big sisters are the best friends.

1. She was your first friend. From the moment you were born, your big sister has always been there for you. In my case my sister was more excited to get strawberry ice cream from the hospital than she was to see me, but at least she still came to see me. Seriosuly, she was the first one I played with and the first one who I looked up to and for that reason she will always be my best friend.

2. She is by your side at all family gatherings. Whether your family is big, small, crazy, or sane you will always have your big sister by your side for all of them. She will be there to laugh with you at something your grandma says or cry with you when one of your relatives passes away. Plus, you will always have someone you like to sit next to at Thanksgiving. Your big sister will always be there to experience all family events and there’s no better best friend than a family member.

3. She will do the talking in awkward situations. While she will be with you at all family gatherings, it’s also important to point out that means as a big sister she will also do the dirty work. She will answer the weird political questions your uncle asks or she will make small talk with your great aunt who you are scared of. Meanwhile when you try to make small talk it’s awkward and weird and you have no idea what to say.

4. She will cover for you with your parents. As the younger sister, you get the luxury of watching to see how strict your parents are. Your older sister will be the first one to break curfew or have alcohol in her room, and this is good for you because you can be prepared. In addition, although your sister got grounded for these things, it’s likely that you wont because she will have your back and cover for you with your parents.

5. She will support your crazy decisions (mostly because she’s had crazier ones).  No matter what weird or crazy thoughts you have, odds are your older sister has had weirder and crazier ones. Big sisters make are the best friends because they will always have your back and never judge you. She will support whatever you want to do 100% and always be right by your side.

6. She will always want to go shopping with you. Whether you’re home for Christmas break or the whole, summer you and your big sister are bound to squeeze in a shopping trip no matter how limited your time is. It doesn’t matter if you actually purchase anything, just going to the mall and bonding with your sister will always be a must.

7. She will give you advice on boys. Being the younger sister you get to watch your big sister deal with boys. The heartbreak, the love, and everything in between. That’s why big sisters are the best friends because they will give you good advice since they’ve been there before. They will help you through your first date and tell you what texts to send the boy who’s giving you mixed signals. Big sisters are the best because you don’t have to do all the work yourself.

8. She will always be honest with you. Whether you try on an outfit at the mall or are talking to a new boy, your older sister will always be the first one to give you her honest opinion. She won’t be scared to tell you how she really feels or make up excuses. She will tell you the honest truth whether you like it or not but you need that in a best friend.

9. She will eat your face off with you. Whether it’s Thursday night dinner with the family or Sunday morning brunch, me and my sister always treat every eating occasion just like it’s Thanksgiving. My big sister is my best friend because we aren’t afraid to eat a lot of food. She will always be down to get sushi with me or go get pizza and we aren’t ashamed to eat as much as we want because we’re sisters.

10. She will always love you. When it comes down to it, you can lose touch with a lot of friends very easily. It can be hard to maintain good friendships with your crazy life, but the one person that will always love you and will always be your best friend is your big sister.