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VCU’s Very Own Will E. Nelson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Madison, Va



What made you choose VCU?
I also visited JMU and Randolph Macon. The students I saw and talked to at VCU had a lot more personality and were friendlier.

What is your favorite part about Richmond? 
The amount of diversity and because there is always something to do.

How does it feel to share names with a country music legend? Are you a fan?
People always remember my name. One of my life goals is to have a jam session with him

You’re musically inclined – who are your major influences?
It all started when John Kiefer introduced me to percussion in middle school band. That eventually led to me to playing a drum set. He also helped to host something called the, “Orange Jam” where musicians could meet up every Friday to play music together. This is where I when I first fell in love with playing music. In high school my advisor David Fatula introduced me to music theory in my school’s Jazz Ensemble. Jimi Hendrix was a major influence in me getting into music. Some of the first songs I learned how to play were “Hey Joe” and “Purple haze.”

Tell us about your music.
The Blue Lotus Collective unites musicians and provides them with places to perform. We host live music at Emilio’s Downtown every other Thursday at 10:00p.m. One of our favorite events to host are the monthly Coffeehouse/Open Mic nights. The coffeehouse is a variety show with music, poetry, and stand- up comedy. They allow singer-song writers an opportunity to showcase their talent. We also have bands play stripped down sets. The purpose of Blue Lotus is to make the music scene in Richmond less individualistic and more of a community. We are going to continue to host the coffeehouses as well as start a summer house show series.

I am in a band named, “The Banduras.” We are a 4-piece that plays Psychedelic Garage Rock. Everything really took off after we headlined a house show on Floyd. Since then we have played at The Tobacco Company, Emilio’s, Strange Matter, Globehopper Coffee, and The Republic. Our album, “River City” was ranked on Sound of RVA’s top EP’s of 2012. The same album was reviewed by RVA Magazine who mentioned that it was, “Bright, positive, and uplifting.” We played live on the Mike Larue Radio Show on 90.1 FM. Most recently we were featured on the Radio Rubber Room which endorses local bands on 102.9 FM. We are planning to release a new album over the summer.

In the future, do you want to incorporate music into your career? How?
I want to be a psychotherapist. I actually wrote my UNIV 200 research paper on how music therapy is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety.

You just started a new organization called VCU Music Alliance? What is the purpose of this organization and what are your goals?
Music Alliance is an interdisciplinary coalition of creative people. We will collaborate between elements of music, film, art, design, photography, theatre, writing, and other forms of creative of expression. The organization is open to all majors and we welcome everyone to attend our events. Our goals are to plan on-campus and off-campus events such as concerts, open mics, art galleries with live music, art auctions, opportunities for people to meet up, as well as establish a sense of community between artists and people who appreciate the arts.

Music Alliance will have an information table set up for the Rams Community Bazaar on Friday between 11 and 2:00p.m. A signup sheet will be present for anyone who would like to join.

What events are you planning (or thinking about planning) for this organization?
On April 20th Music Alliance will be providing music from 3-5 p.m for an art gallery on 320 Hull St. The occasion is for the RVA Earth Day Fest which focuses on promoting eco-friendly practices.

On Sunday we are hosting our first event, “Monroe Park Jam Session.” People are encouraged to bring their instruments to Monroe Park on Sunday between 3 and 7 p.m. The weather will make it perfect opportunity to relax in the park and enjoy some acoustic music. Refreshments will be provided, and appearances will be made by members of local bands based here in Richmond, Va.

What is something everyone should know about you?
I often contemplate the meaning of life.

A word of advice?
Don’t let anyone tell you want you can and can’t do. I had no idea that I could accomplish even half of the things I’ve done in the last year. I’ve found that success comes from putting a lot of work into something you care about. I switched out of business school freshman year because it didn’t reflect what really mattered to me. One cannot put their ALL into something that is not important to them.

Sarah is from Lynchburg, Virginia but has lived in Richmond since attending Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012 where she studied Mass Communications with a concentration in print journalism. She began contributing to Her Campus at VCU as a freshman and was developed to lead the chapter as Campus Correspondent for two years where she increased membership by 65% and brought the chapter ranking from bronze level to platinum level. She enjoyed attending both the mid-atlantic conferences held with the chapter at the College of William & Mary and Her Conferences held in NYC.  Sarah currently works in the tech industry in marketing. She has a background in communications, hospitality and nonprofit consulting. She still loves attending VCU basketball games and also loves live music. In her free time, she likes going on long walks with her dog, tending to her house plants and cycling around downtown. Fun fact: she has never owned a car and is a community advocate for public transit. Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.