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Udari Liyanage – The Exotic Beauty

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

What is your name? 
Udari Liyanage

What is your relationship status? 

What year are you?

What is your Major?
 I’m majoring in Biology.

Why biology?
At first, I was going to major in Chemistry, but by the end of high school it didn’t work out. Also, with biology there is a lot you can do with it.

I like how diverse it is! I like to meet a lot of new people…….especially brown guys

How would you describe your style
 I don’t have style! Laid back. I like to be stylish, but I don’t dress up that much

What is the best attribute in a guy
 There is a lot, I would say intelligence.

What do you think is your best feature?
I like my eye shape.

What is your favorite Food?
Pizza and rice. Not together, but separately! You gotta love the Brown food

You are bored at home, what do you do to entertain yourself?
I go on Facebook or hang out with friends. I like to listen to music.

What is your forte?
I liked painting in art class in high school, so…

You’re stuck on a desert island, you only have 2 things to bring, what would they be and why?
 I would bring a picture of my family, if I miss them or if I feel bad, I will feel better when I look at it. I would also bring food….for survial, is that stupid…?

Mymy Dinh is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, pursuing a career in pharmacy. Born on January 20, 1992, she is the second oldest out of 5 children. She is also majoring in science with a double minor in chemistry and biology. She enjoys volunteer work, being around her family, organizing desks and rooms, shopping, meeting new people, and traveling.