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Swey’s Kitchen for the Cooking Collegiette: Mango Pie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Although Thanksgiving has passed, it is never too late to cook a nice tasty pie! For those of you who are tired of the usual pumpkin pie or apple pie, here is a recipe for a quick, light, and delicious mango pie that is a unique treat. This mouth-watering, easy to make mango pie will undoubtly be a big hitter at your next holiday or social gathering!


  • 2 Graham Cracker crust
  • 1 large can of mango pulp
  • 1-cup sugar
  • ½ pint of heavy cream
  • 2 packets of unflavored gelatin
  • ¼ cup warm water


1. Mix the gelatin in warm water and allow it to dissolve as you constantly stir.
2. Mix the heavy cream and gelatin together with an electric mixer then add the sugar.
3. Slowly add the mango pulp, little by little, mixing well after each portion.
4. Beat well until the whole can of mango pulp is incorporated.  Also, make sure it has an even tone.
5. Pour the mixture into the two graham cracker crusts and refrigerate for at least 7 hours.

Collegiette Tip: Top it off with Cool Whip; It is without a doubt the best! Good luck and happy eating!


Mymy Dinh is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, pursuing a career in pharmacy. Born on January 20, 1992, she is the second oldest out of 5 children. She is also majoring in science with a double minor in chemistry and biology. She enjoys volunteer work, being around her family, organizing desks and rooms, shopping, meeting new people, and traveling.