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The Struggles of Being a Dog Lover in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

In college, most of us don’t have the time or money to take care of a faithful companion. This makes being a dog lover in college a constant struggle, and I’m sure all dog lovers can relate:


1. Having to stop to pet every dog. 

No matter what time it is, even if you are rushing to class, you HAVE to stop to pet every dog you see. You see them approaching you with their owner on the other side of the sidewalk, and you are already staring at the dog with the intention of petting it.


2.  Stopping at the dog accessory aisle in a store

Even though you don’t have a dog, someone you know does. Maybe your friend’s dog needs a new toy, or you are deciding on which items to buy for your future dog that you’re most definitely going to get as soon as you graduate.


3. Wanting to steal your friend’s dogs

Sure you love your friends, but you also love their dogs. Every time you hang out with them you basically hog the love of their dog. When you’re with them and their dog isn’t around you always wish they had brought it.


4. Googling pictures of dog breeds you like

You’re talking to someone about dogs, obviously. You pull out your phone and Google all the breeds of dogs you’re going to have in the future, about five sounds right.


5.  You hang out with people’s dogs at parties.

The party is fun and socializing and meeting new people on campus is great. But when there’s a dog at the party, it makes it even better. Now you can find fellow dog lovers to bond with about how cute the dog at the party is.


6. Crying when you see puppies

It is very hard for you to control your emotions and tears when you see a little innocent puppy. Puppies are like actual angels on earth and it kills you.


7. Always watching the Dog Shows

Whenever ‘Westminster’ comes on, you’re on your couch ready to look at all the freshly groomed and trained professional dogs. You cheer for them on your couch just like the audience on TV.


8. Bawling like a baby when a dog dies on TV/Movies

It’s sad when a human dies on television, but it’s even sadder when a dog dies. The dog didn’t do anything wrong, why’d you have to kill the dog off?!


You cannot wait to get a dog once you get out of college and live on your own. Until then, make it your mission to pet every dog you see on campus, no matter how creepy it may seem! You can’t help it. 

Ashley is a Senior at Virginia Commmonwealth University majoring in mass communications concentrating in print & online journalism. She is the Senior Editor for Her Campus at VCU and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists at VCU. She is an avid coffee drinker, dog lover and dreamer. She hopes to one day be a reporter for a newspaper, magazine, or an online version of the two.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!