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Should Influencers Share Their Opinion On Everything?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We live in an age where influencers are responsible for most of the public opinion, at least in online spaces. Usually regarding what we are buying, wearing, and eating. Following recent ongoing global events, it seems the internet is expecting more from creators. 

Since October 2023, many social media users have been angered by the lack of influencers speaking out about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Although the anger is justified due to the platforms these influencers have and are choosing not to use, should we be forming our opinions based on what all the influencers are saying?

Brittany Broski is just one of the influencers who was under fire due to her silence and lack of activism. She issued a video in November of 2023, attributing her silence to the confusion that comes with being an influencer expected to deliver politically accurate information, without speaking over other influencers who are more suited to speak on the subject at hand. 


#stitch with @maya #freepalestine🇵🇸❤️ of course. Sorry it took me so long. Follow Plestia, Bisan, & Motaz on IG. Contact your senators: (202) 224-3121 Donate to Doctors Without Borders: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/ Love you guys.

♬ original sound – secret brittany

“I completely understand the weight of having a platform…and the power of silence when you have that platform,” Broski said. “My silence hurt and confused a lot of people.” 

Undoubtedly, influencers have a responsibility to “influence” their audiences, and they have full control over what information they are feeding to them. But where do we draw the line in what we expect from them? 

I can’t help but wonder if the gravity of breaking news is watered down if we immediately go to see which influencers spoke about it. It has almost been turned into a competition or a manhunt of sorts. 

As we all know, in our technological day and age, it is impossible to please everyone. The people who do speak out are criticized for their position and the things they say, and of course, those who stay silent are called out. 

In opposition to commenting ineffective remarks on influencers’ content, TikTok user Angie Marie started Operation Watermelon. In this series, Marie sets out weekly missions for her followers which include filling a selected influencer or celebrity’s comments with mentions of Palestinian journalists, or something regarding the pro-Palestine movement. 

Through this, users are essentially using influencers platforms, for them. With heightened comments about a specific topic, search bars will frequently be added to the top of a comment section. Through Operation Watermelon, search bars in the comments of popular influencers are often switched to topics relating to Palestine. 

This has caused fans of politically silent influencers to be unable to avoid this prevalent humanitarian crisis. While I believe all individuals with substantial followings should care enough and see the importance of using their platforms for good; I think there comes a point where people must be encouraged to think for themselves.  

Summer Deciucis is a Journalism and Fashion Merchandising student at Virginia Commonwealth University, and an HCVCU editorial member. She has interests in pop culture, current social issues, fashion, and true crime.