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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

When people first hear the words “No-Shave November” (NSN), they immediately picture a man growing out his beard for the whole month of November. Wrong. No-Shave November doesn’t always have to pertain to men, and it turns out that some women at VCU find nothing wrong with participating in NSN, including junior Bonnie Morgan. 

“I feel a very lovely sense of understanding for my body knowing its at its natural state. Its very endearing to me,” Bonnie said.

Bonnie has been participating in NSN ever since she was a freshman at VCU. Her desire to step away from the norm and do something different led her to take full advantage of NSN.

“I have from a young age loved to do things that made myself and others around me think and perceive situations differently than they normally would. It’s healthy for the brain!” Bonnie said.

According to Bonnie, NSN isn’t just about ditching the razor for a whole month; she sees this month as a chance to express yourself no matter what other people think. 

“I find that acceptance is the most important and tolerance is very important in this situation,” she said. 

When asked how she deals with any criticism she may encounter, Bonnie said she sends them a brightening smile and then moves on with her day. Comfort and self confidence is very important to Bonnie and she believes that every woman shouldn’t care so much about what other people think.

Freshman Joe Dunia, who plans to participate in NSN every year, doesn’t find it odd if girls participate too, as long as it’s just within this month. 

“I don’t think they should do it any other month, but this month is the only exception. They just shouldn’t let it grow too much to the point where you start counting inches of length hair,” Dunia said. 

Some men at VCU like Dunia always look forward to NSN because it’s a chance for them to show off their long beards. 

So there you have it. Turns out that it’s possible for guys to accept women doing NSN. According to women like Bonnie, there’s nothing wrong with participating in NSN and it’s even a way to show off your self-confidence.

In honor of No-Shave November, here’s a video created by former VCU student David Roberts.

Hello! My name is Noura Bayoumi and I am a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University. I am studying print journalism with a minor in English. In my free time, I like to explore the city, spend time with my friends and family, and go outdoors.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.