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Jackie Ryan / Her Campus
Culture > Entertainment

My Take On ‘Mamma Mia!’

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

There is nothing like a big, fat Greek wedding to backdrop a heartwarming story on womanhood, filled with rekindled romances and the alluring pizazz of big dreams. Mamma Mia perfectly guides viewers on a journey through the ups and downs of self-discovery and the risks and rewards of venturing into the unknown. The combination of an ABBA soundtrack with stylistic clothing pieces, beautiful backdrops, and talented actors/screenwriters, has definitely led to  Mamma Mia ranking highly in my list of top 10 movies. 

I watched Mamma Mia for the first time during the summer before my first year of college. After 30 minutes of unsuccessful browsing on Netflix, I came across a refreshing, fun preview of a movie name that my friends once mentioned to me. Curious, I pressed play. However, 10 minutes in, my eyes were glued to the screen. It was as if I was transported to the Greek Islands — suddenly surrounded by warm sunshine, white cobblestone roads, blue waters, and vibrant colors. I quickly became emotionally invested in the characters’ lives. During musical scenes, I would dance around my room to the up-beat and lively song numbers. Other times, I would desperately try to locate the nearest tissue box, holding back tears as characters had touching heart-to-heart revelations. I felt like I was right there with Sophie through each step of her journey: mailing out wedding invitations to her three possible fathers, sitting on the beach in deep thought, and taking in the salty air and blissful breeze. For the rest of summer, my Mamma Mia Spotify playlist was left on repeat. And, when I watched the sequel (Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again) soon after finishing the first movie, all I wanted to do was frolic across Europe singing, dancing, and living Voulez Vous. 

But, what I really appreciated about the story of Mamma Mia was the sense of realistic uncertainty looming over characters in between spontaneous adventures. They didn’t always know what the future had in store for them. It was thrilling, yes. But, it was also scary. Watching the characters navigate their way through these confusing feelings felt especially reassuring to me. After all, I was about to face similar unknowns in a few weeks when I entered my Freshman year of college. Mamma Mia helped me remember that it was okay to not have all the answers. I realized that it was alright to not know what was yet to come – and that could actually be fun. 

So, when I heard about the recent speculation of a Mamma Mia part three, you can imagine that I was beyond excited. I think I might have screamed a little when I heard the news. The unofficial release date is 2025, which means that there is more than enough time to pay a quick little visit to Greece for the full Mamma Mia experience, right? I guess you’ll just have to check back in with me next year :) And, if you haven’t watched Mamma Mia yet, what are you waiting for?! Sophie’s big, fat Greek wedding is sending out invites — and this one has your name on it. 

Serena Goyal is currently a Biology major and Chemistry minor in the Guaranteed Admissions Program for Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University. As a Girl Scout for numerous years and a podcast founder/host, Serena has worked to empower women at local, national, and global levels. She is excited to be a writer and assistant editor on the Editorial team for Her Campus to combine her love of writing and her passion to make a difference. In her free time, Serena enjoys going to the gym, playing the ukulele, and traveling the world!