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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

While you may be familiar with the likes of Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, the cozy game community is something that is always growing and expanding beyond your wildest dreams. There are hundreds of games to choose from, each with their own unique twists and turns. There’s a game for every occasion and emotion you’re feeling, and today I’m going to share with you a few of my favorites!

Wylde Flowers

This game is pretty much all you need if you’re looking for a farming sim that also has a unique magical twist and captivating storyline. Trust me, I’ve never been super into any of these elements—I find farming sims monotonous and I often skip the stories integrated into games in favor of getting into the action. 

Yet strangely enough, I couldn’t seem to put Wylde Flowers down. Unlike other farming sims, you’re not inheriting the farm from your grandparents right off the bat. You actually spend time with your ill grandmother who teaches you the ropes before she eventually passes after your first season. Without spoiling too much, the legacy your grandmother leaves stays with the town and you forever. The game is also fully-voice acted which makes it that much more real and captivating. 

Dreamlight Valley

I’m not even a Disney fanatic and I thoroughly enjoyed Dreamlight Valley. While it has farming sim elements and mechanics, it definitely leans heavy into the side of quests, storytelling, and exploration. It’s easy to get immersed into the extensive story of the characters you know and love. 

This game is in its early access testing phase and will eventually be available for free once the game has been fully developed. 

Lemon Cake

If you’re looking for a good bakery/food service game, look no further: Lemon Cake has everything you need. It’s a fun, simple game where you can upgrade your run-down bakery and serve customers their favorite pastries and treats! There’s an adorable ghost that accompanies you throughout your journey. You have to bring his bakery back to life, he’s counting on you!

Good Pizza, Great Pizza

There are very few games that take advantage of the touch-screen of the Switch. Good Pizza, Great Pizza allows you to create and tend to pizza orders with a variety of toppings and ingredients using the touch of your finger. 

You’re competing with other pizza shops to make it onto the pizza news! While the customers are very quirky and fun, they’re deliberately confusing to make your game more difficult. Don’t worry if you’re simply there for a good time, there’s options to have them clarify so you can have the best experience. 

Paleo Pines

While this is one of the newest games on this list as well as in my own Switch library, I’ve found myself becoming absolutely addicted to Paleo Pines. With its open world concept, you get to explore the world of farming sims with dinosaurs as your friends to assist you! The world is colorful, fun and realistic. Each dinosaur has its own unique living requirements, and you must do things to get them to trust you further to be able to ride them around the map. There’s dozens of variants to each dinosaur so you’ll spend hours trying to find the perfect one to add to your ranch!

Courtney Te is a Graphic Design major and a Psychology minor at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is passionate about animals, writing and graphic design.