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March: The Reevaluation Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Wait, it’s almost April already?  

Jan. 1, 2018 seemed like a lifetime ago, and like many others I’m sure you made a list of your fair share of resolutions or intentions for the new year. The month of January, however, seems to move so slow and you do not know when it’s ever going to end. Then February comes and ends in the blink of an eye and then hey you’re already in March, quickly coming up on the end of the semester. You’ve reached the end of the first-quarter of the new year and when you think of it that way, that’s pretty cool. This is exactly why I love March – it’s a great month and for many reasons. What are those reasons you may ask?

Well, for starters, March is that perfect month where you are nearing the middle of the semester. Seriously – you are almost there. It’s a rush of a month, honestly. Spring break the beginning of the month, mid-terms before and sometimes after break and by the time you get through all of it, April is approaching! This is that time in the semester when you begin making your summer plans and prepping for any final projects in classes because boy does it continue to fly from here.

In addition to that, this is also a good mid-term check in to see how you’re doing. No matter the intentions you set for yourself this year, or if you didn’t even bother to do it, 2018 is pushing right along and it’s still important to make sure you’re doing okay. At the beginning of the year, I told myself I wanted to read more, travel more if possible and possibly alter my diet slightly. All fairly generic things to wish for in a fresh new year, and honestly those things have happened, yet effect me very minimally. They haven’t “changed” me like I probably thought it would, only given me a sense of enjoyment in the moment which, don’t get me wrong, is still important. However, with that being said, I have seen major differences in myself that I did not exactly plan for. My personality has slightly altered, and to me, it’s for the better.

Another positive aspect to March is the seasonal change. I did not truly believe in seasonal depression being a thing until this past winter. I found myself being in a constant mood and/or funk that I’m usually not used to being in, and I truly owe it all to the weather. Of course, I had my additional stresses streaming from other areas of life, but when the weather is better, I automatically am as well. I look forward to the fresh air and changes that spring brings. New adventures, planning new opportunities, outdoor concerts and activities and best of all a wardrobe switch. I also love to annually partake in the traditional “spring cleaning.” I like to take this time to look through old clothes, things to take back home that I won’t need at school for winter or other random things I need to just let go of.

No matter where you stand or what you need, take the end of March/beginning of April to adjust yourself! Readjust your priorities, realize what benefits the year has brought upon you, and be thankful for any negatives you have already let go of without maybe even realizing. 

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Aja is a Junior at VCU studying Political Science. She loves going to brunch, working out, healthy eating and is overly obessed with the Kardashians & her three dogs (Cooper, Bentley and Lulu). You can follow her on Instagram @ajaerinmo!
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!