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Joe Dunia, ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Joe Dunia 

Graduating Class: 2017

Hometown: Jounieh, Lebanon

Major: Biology

Nationality: Lebanese

Why did you choose VCU? 
Because it is one of the leading schools for dentistry. I was advised by many graduates and students
to go to this school.
What is your dream girl like? 
She is beautiful to me, and may be to everyone else. She is also smart and has a respected career. My dream girl doesn’t have special features because I’ve realized that I’m very broad with feature choices. I would love for her to be Lebanese and Christian, but I’m not getting my hopes too high. My dream girl and I need to be best friends and get a long and like the same stuff. I want her to love hitting the gym with me, studying with me, etc. 
Favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory would be first moving to America and seeing a whole different world. It opened my mind; I realized how much there is int he world and that I shouldn’t be boxed inside my environment. 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
I see myself married, with a baby on the way. I would be a dentist and thinking about opening up my own clinic. I see myself being happy from all the hard work I put in to get to this point of my life. 
Who is your biggest celebrity crush? 
My biggest celebrity crush is Melanie Iglesias. I am just a  little obsessed with her….just a little. 
What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is failing or being wrong. I get so scared when I don’t accomplish my goal. I get scared of losing too often. 
What is your biggest pet peeve? 
My biggest pet peeve is when people make unnecessary sounds when they chew. CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED PLEASE AND THANK YOU. 
Worst date you’ve been on?
The worst date I have ever been on is Kings Dominion. My girlfriend at that time was too scared of every single ride and I was forced into riding the little-kid’s-rides, missing out on all the fun opportunities around me. 

If you could be one animal, what would you be?

I would be a tiger, because I like tigers and they look cool. 

What is your biggest turn off when it comes to women? 

My biggest turn off would be when a girl does not take care of her body or when a girl does not have any goals in life.


Hello! My name is Noura Bayoumi and I am a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University. I am studying print journalism with a minor in English. In my free time, I like to explore the city, spend time with my friends and family, and go outdoors.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.