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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Social media has taken over the world as we know it because did it really happen if you didn’t post about it?

Schedule Posts

A way to take the pressure off social media is by scheduling posts in advance. Twitter has a function that allows users to draft a tweet and schedule the tweet to be posted for a later time. Rather than feeling anxious and perfecting the post in the present moment, think in advance and curate the perfect caption.

While Twitter allows you to schedule posts, Instagram, unfortunately, doesn’t have that option. There are apps users can download that schedule posts. Sendible acts as a calendar that allows users to schedule posts in advance. It can also run reports on your social media, and the app helps users manage comments on social media posts. 

Feed Preview

Downloading an app that allows users to preview their feed in advance is a vital tool for traversing the world wide web. Feed preview is a free app that allows users to curate their Instagram feed. Patrons of the app can view their whole feed in advance before posting that new hot selfie.

Another photo preview app, UNUM, allows users to view their Instagram statistics. At what time during the day do posts receive the most views, the most likes and the feedback they receive from followers. Planoly is another app that allows users to preview their feed, schedule posts and view statistics for their posts. 

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories have changed how users interact with the app. Somehow social media has gotten more personal, with followers being able to question influencers and understand their lives more than the feed they curate for social media. Accounts should take advantage of the personal aspect of Instagram stories; users love feeling like they’re friends with popular influencers and celebrities.

Trends like “Make an assumption about me” and “Post a picture of” have allowed followers to become more personable with peers, influencers, and celebrities on Instagram. Stories are an easy way for users to post a quick update, advertise their new post, repost other photos or post videos of your cat.  

Casual Instagram

Casual Instagrams have become the new trend gone are the days of posting the perfect picture, and now are the days of posting what makes you happy. The trend takes social media back to the “golden age,” the first years of social media where users posted whatever they wanted. However, by posting “casual Instagram” pictures, accounts are often still curated and full of aesthetic grainy photos.

Usually, casual Instagrams are full of obscure and artsy photos that on their own could be questionable, but alongside other blurry and grainy photos, it’s a masterpiece. The movement to go back to the origins of Instagram is endearing, but it falls into the very trap of curating your Instagram to look perfect. If that style of Instagram is for you, go for it, post that blurry photo and relish in it. 

Social media has become a platform for anyone who wants to use their voice. It gives people the freedom to say what they want and what’s on their mind.

Sarah is a junior at Virginia Commonwealth University and is majoring in Mass Communications and minoring in Fashion Merchandising. Sarah enjoys reading, writing, and discussing sustainable fashion brands. Sarah spends most of her time, and money, on Depop fueling her shopping addiction. Follow her on instagram @Sarah_parker9 and Twitter @_parker_9
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