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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

The series Love is Blind first began in February of 2020. It now has five seasons out on Netflix. This series is an experiment-like dating show that has people in little pods where they talk to each other through a wall. The point of this is to leave all appearances out of it and see if love can actually bey “blind.” 

The latest season came out September of this year and it leads me to believe love is definitely not blind. Although reality TV is all about the drama of it all, I think there are people on this new season that are not even close to ready for marriage. Milton and Lydia are the only ones at the reunion who got married and that was what I least expected .

It was rumored across the media world that Lydia planned to be there because of her so-called ex boyfriend, Uche. Lydia played herself out to be there for one of the other girls in the pods, Aaliyah. However, Aaliyah was about to be engaged to Uche through the pod experience and that’s when Lydia went rogue and told Aaliyah everything she knows about Uche. Aaliyah decided it was too much for her and left Uche in the pods alone. 

Another couple that was engaged and supposed to get married was Izzy and Stacy. On one hand Izzy lied about his financial issues or as he’d like to say “waiting for the right moment to tell Stacy about it.” Stacy was obsessed or jealous about Izzy’s other connection in the pods with Johnnie. These two were both the most judgmental and unhinged people on the show this season. They caused the most unnecessary drama I’ve ever seen on the show. Most of the drama stemmed from the jealousy Stacy had for Johnnie.  

As for JP and Taylor, who got engaged in the pod but didn’t make it past their honeymoon…JP loved red white and blue everything and hated Taylor wearing makeup. JP called Taylor “fake” for putting on makeup for their reveal. This was a very confusing part of the show for me because if love was blind and JP didn’t know what Taylor looked like before then why would that be a problem. Taylor didn’t take that well, which no woman should, she gave JP back his ring and left as quickly as possible. 

I believe love can be blind when you’re in love already and have that deeper connection. Sitting in a pod, talking through a wall, for a little more than a week is not love. Even though some couples from the other seasons are rumored to still be together, more times than not, it does not work out for most couples that get engaged on this show. The process of love being blind can happen over time and develop into something that I believe is negative. You become blind to all of the problems in your relationship because you’re blinded with love. So that being said, I think love being blind is not a good thing and this show needs to reconsider who they let on the show. 

Brooke Lindberg is a communication journalism major at Virginia Commonwealth University. She loves writing about personal issues and hopes to reach some readers that relate:)