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Culture > Entertainment

Halloween 2022: Approach With Caution

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Halloween is just around the corner and everyone is getting their costumes ready. On my route to class, I pass carved pumpkins, skeleton decorations and witch faces peeking out windows. Getting in the spooky mood is relatable and even exciting in preparation for the scary holiday. That being said, 2022 has faced enough horror this year to make up for many, many Halloweens. The rise in crime in the United States is undeniable and it is absolutely alarming, especially crime against women. There has been a rise in serial killer documentaries and a general interest in horror that fascinates the public. In response to this, why is there such a fascination with horror and crime? 

I believe our generation has sympathy for others more than any other generation. We take mental health more seriously and we are quicker to have empathy for others who struggle. What triggered the inspiration for this article is the craze over Netflix’s new Jeffrey Dahmer documentaries and reenactments. Most people who watch serial killer documentaries are interested in the “why” behind the killings that our parents deemed “evil.” While it is important to want to learn about these cases and be more aware of the unspoken or taboo labels that we give serial killers, deeming these people as innocent is not okay. I have come across TikToks who “stan” Jeffrey Dahmer and deem him innocent. Let’s be more sensitive than that.

Backstory of Gen Z: We are a desensitized generation. Between watching 9/11 play out every year and normalizing the fear of school shootings, it is easy to say that we are handed a lot of trauma. Sometimes we disassociate from reality and do not feel the entire impact as if these horrible situations were inflicted on us. Is the response to watching true crime and serial killer documentaries? Psychologically, there is satisfaction in watching crime films and shows because the viewers get a full circle story: “watching crime dramas brings more than just your typical news coverage as the former can be more in-depth, providing different perspectives and viewpoints that regular media coverage may have missed.”

Maybe this is a subconscious action we use to take responsibility for the crime that happens all around us. It is easy to pretend it is all so far away and think, “that would never happen to me.” Many people find crime shows entertaining and adrenaline pumping when dramatic scenes play out. While many of the real life serial killers and criminals depicted in media are caught, that is not without damage along the way: “they follow a plot where evil plagues a community, but good wins in the end. No matter our age, our minds enjoy the unpredictable predictability of these stories.” But where is the line drawn when our reactions should change between a show like “Bluebloods,” a drama show about cops in New York City, and a serial killer documentary such as Netflix’s number one television show at the moment, “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.”

How to celebrate Halloween with extra caution this year: don’t fantasize serial killers by dressing up as them for halloween.

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Zac Efron’s “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” from 2019 may have inspired the last few years of serial killer documentaries because of the dilemma behind Ted Bundy’s charm. In the film, the audience was reminded that during his trials, many women found it hard to believe that Ted Bundy could have been capable of murder because he was “handsome, charming and intelligent.” We can appreciate Zac Efron’s portrayal of the serial killer he played and admire Evan Peters’ dedication to his role—but let’s not romanticize real people’s tragedy. Humanize the real consequences of true crime stories. We are, as a generation, desensitized; therefore, we look into the horror around us rather than shield our eyes and pretend it does not exist. This year, approach Halloween with ethicality and class. Dress up as your favorite celebrity or cartoon character and keep Halloween light. Stay safe this year and have fun.

Happy Halloween girlies.



Ariana is a fashion merchandising major and theater minor at Virginia Commonwealth University with interests in costume design and film. She is a member of the editorial team and is enthusiastic about sustainability, fashion, beauty, mental health, and current events. She loves supporting women through HC.