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Greek of the Week: Stephanie Crews from Alpha Sigma Alpha

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Alpha Sigma Alpha
Mascot: Lady Bug
Jewel: Ruby and Pearl
Open Motto: Aspire, Seek, Attain
Primary Colors: Crimson and Pearl White
Secondary Colors: Palm green & gold
When I first saw Stephanie, she was the face of recruitment at VCU and frankly, the woman that came to mind when I thought of Sorority Life at VCU. She is naturally poised, personable, and a complete sweetheart!  She has managed to hold a 4.0 G.P.A work two jobs, AND be the face of recruitment here at VCU. A fan of Harry Potter, astrology, and Broadway musicals, Stephanie Crews knows how to keep things light and fun! She is unique sorority woman in every way — which is precisely why she is this week’s Greek of the Week! 

Quick Facts about Stephanie Crews: 

Major: Early elementary education
Length in ASA: Four years
Age: 22
Hometown: Midlothian, Virginia
Relationship Status: Taken for almost three years now 
Affiliation: Alpha Sigma Alpha (ASA)
Position: Director of recruitment for the College PanHellenic Council. (She planned recruitment at VCU– it’s a big job! This year’s recruitment was the largest in VCU’s history!).

Stephanie’s Favorites:

Color: Purple
Animal: The elephant, because they mate for life.
Article of Clothing: Dresses
Season: Summer. I love the beach!
Food: Mexican – Little Mex in particular
Store: J. Crew- when I can afford it
Book: I love to read! Its my favorite hobby so that’s really hard. Probably the Harry Potter series. It makes me think of childhood
Why did you choose to come to VCU?
I think was really drawn to its diversity and I like the city atmosphere. Artistic and creative people really inspire me and I like to surround myself by people who share a similar outlook on life. Even though it is so diverse and everyone is so different, I think that we all appreciate that we are all so different. We don’t necessarily view things the same way, but I think that we all have a mutual respect for how each other views things, and I think that I am just really drawn to people like that.
Why did you choose to join Alpha Sigma Alpha?
 VCU was so big, and I needed kind of a niche group. ASA came naturally and I felt really comfortable
What is something unique to Alpha Sigma Alpha?
We aim to develop women of poise and purpose. It is something that each of my sisters really holds dearly. I think about that everyday- am I carrying myself in a way that exemplifies poise and purpose?

Was there ever a time when your sisters were really there for you?
Yes! My mom worked for Wachovia, and as a lot of people know, Wachovia was bought out by Wells Fargo and so she had to move to St. Louis, My parents got a divorce and everyone moved to different areas of the country, I was really alone and on my own and really had to be more self sufficient. Because my family is really scattered it’s really nice to always have ASA as my other family.  I know it is so cliché, but it really is a home away from home.
How do you respond to people who are afraid to join a sorority due to rumors of hazing?
On the CPC end, it is really discouraging that fraternity’s and sororities have such a bad reputation for hazing. Keep in the back of your mind and know that it is not tolerated here. No one can guarantee that it won’t happen. VCU has closed chapters for hazing, and that shows that we really do mean what we say. It is 100% not tolerated.
How do you respond to people who think that you are paying for your friends?
I can understand why people may think that at first and I do understand where they are coming from. It is hard to understand from the outside what’s going on. You aren’t paying for your friends, you are paying for what your sorority gives back to you. With any club you join, there are fees associated with it.
What do you feel is a common misconception about sorority women?
There are so many stereotypes! That we are self obsessed, that mom and dad pay for everything, which is not true at all. When I first joined a sorority I was working two jobs, my first semester in a sorority I was actually working over 40 hours a week, paying for my own dues, and paying my rent. People think that we are all rich spoiled girls.
How was it working two jobs? How did you manage it all?
It was definitely a balance, which is actually one of ASA’s core values-balance. I learned more about balance that year than ever in my life! It was really hard standing on my own two feet, but it was definitely worth it, I learned so much about myself and I am so much a better person because of it. I’m not going to pretend like it was always fun, but it’s definitely something I am proud out.
Are you working right now?
I am, I work at the Limited and I am also a substitute teacher at a preschool, it’s in Midlothian. I have been working there since I was 16, but unfortunately I can’t work as much as I used to because of school, but I still go back and substitute.
Who is a celebrity or someone that you look up to?
I don’t want to be honest, because I am such a nerd!! Most people would name a celebrity, and I am thinking of authors…
 I am really inspired by J.K. Rowling- the author of Harry Potter and John Green who is the author of Looking for Alaska.  I love everything about him-he is so inspirational! I like that he doesn’t belittle teenagers, he writes books for teenagers but he talks to them and treats them like they are adults. That’s  what makes his work so wonderful, he doesn’t dumb things down for them.
What makes you, you– Stephanie Crews?

That is such a loaded question! Well, I am the definition of a Capricorn (I’m really into astrology) in  all of the positive and negative things that that entails. I am really really driven and if I want to accomplish something-I will.  I think that I am just really passionate about so many different things in every aspect of my life.
What is the most important thing to you right now?
Probably my future, which I know may sound weird. I want to teach inner city children and make a difference in the lives of kids, it is probably the most important thing that I will ever do in my life.
Have you always wanted to work with inner city kids?
I have always wanted to, to be honest. I have been told a lot in the past that I shouldn’t do it because I am too nice and I think that is crazy. I think that there is this mentality that you need to be firm with inner city student. I just think that they need friendly faces; they need warm hugs, and a nice smile to brighten their day-just like any other child does, but especially them. I was definitely discouraged in the past, where people didn’t think I had the personality type for it. I have grown to think, especially with working in the Richmond city kids that I definitely have the personality for it and that is what they need more of!
Any other fun facts about you?
 I am obsessed with glee and I was in show choir in high school. The show choir I was in was called New Dimensions and Glee’s show choir is called New Directions so I like to live vicariously through that show. I love to sing and dance, and I LOVE Broadway and musical theater! I am really passionate about it.
Pet peeves?
I hate, hate hate cell phones-when you are trying to talk to someone and they are texting. I think cell phones are so rude and it’s made it to where people cant have normal simple relationships. Also, I cant stand slow walkers, I’m always in a rush and always late!
Is there anything else that you want people to know about you?
 I am so proud to be a part of such a growing fraternity and sorority life community and a very progressive one. We aren’t afraid to be different, and I love that it is so non-traditional. I am really proud to be a sorority woman at VCU during this time of so much great change. 

Chelsea is a Her Campus alumnae and the Cofounder and former President and Editor-In-Chief of Virginia Commonwealth University's Her Campus chapter. Chelsea has diverse professional experience thanks to her many internships in college. Her experience includes working in the research department at Viacom's MTV, assisting the CEO of a boutique jewelry brand in NYC, and working at an English tourist magazine in Japan. Beyond her professional life, Chelsea is inspired by fashion, finance, all things Harry Potter, her dream of working for a company she loves, and her travels. Chelsea turns to Sailor Moon episodes and Harry Potter soundtracks when life gets tough. Also a good amount of shopping, traveling, and making memories with loved ones will maintain her status quo.Connect!LinkedIn Instagram: @chelsskubo