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Elliot Roth: President of SEED

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Name: Elliot Roth

Major: Biomedical Engineering/Chemical Engineering

Year: Class of 2015

What is SEED?

The Society for Engineering and Entrepreneurial Design (try saying that 10 times fast) makes cool ideas come to life. We do this by helping you build a team that can turn your designs into reality, then partnering you up with a mentor in the community with experience in your field. We then help you refine your idea to its fullest potential so you can turn it into a company, get a grant, or win a competition.

SEED fills a necessary void at VCU for passionate students who tinker with things in their dorm rooms. We enable those students to meet the right people and equip them with the knowledge they need so they can graduate with more on their resume than just a degree. Our goal is to make students create their own jobs doing something they love rather than wait for someone to hire them.

Why did you start SEED at VCU?

When I got to school I immediately wanted to start building things. When I found out that VCU didn’t sponsor student projects until senior year, and that those “capstone” projects only included students of one major, I knew something had to change. SEED started as a means to connect students of any discipline to work on innovative projects. We’ve had recent success in winning one of our art/engineering teams $10,000 dollars to work on their project which incorporates a mixing of senses. Our goal this semester is to get three more teams with great ideas out there.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Just go out and do what you’re passionate about. Don’t ever wait for anyone’s permission. If you truly love something and do it well consistently, you will make money, and, more importantly, be happy.

How do you spend your free time?

I’m a double engineering major on a pre-med track… What free time? No, with what little free time I have, I enjoy playing drums and guitar, creating new recipes, and doing a bit of slam poetry on the side.

How do you deal with stress?

Whenever I’m really stressed out I go for walks just to decompress. Richmond has a lot of really cool hidden places and I’m always distracted by the amazing things I find.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

The Galapagos Islands. They’re devastatingly beautiful and I’ve always wanted to ride a saddleback tortoise.

What’s one weird fact everyone should know about you?

I will never turn my back on a goat. Traumatic childhood moments…

Is there anything you’d like to change or improve about yourself?

Too many things. If I could pick one, it would be that I try to do too much. I need to get better at saying no and doing one thing at a time until it’s finished.

What do you look for in a girl?

Well, my interviewer is a definite hottie. My ideal girl is smarter than me, likes being spontaneous, and I can talk to her endlessly about anything.

Is there anything else you want Her Campus to know?

Come out to SEED’s next meeting! We’re hosting a talk from Patton Gleason, the founder and CEO of the Natural Running Company on Thursday, February 7th from 6-7pm in room 101 of Engineering West.

Lauren is a second-year student in VCU's Honors College. She is majoring in mass communications with a print journalism concentration and professional writing minor. She interns with The Metaphysical Circus as a copy editor. Lauren is also an undergraduate teaching assistant for a research writing course.With a passion for writing, editing and international issues, she hopes to one day write for a magazine that requires her to travel. She is also interested in a career in editing and publishing.In her free time, Lauren collects tea sets, talks to her garden gnome Chia pet, watches The Big Bang Theory and does Pilates. Her favorite herb is rosemary and her favorite color is chartreuse.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.