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DIY Dorm Decorations: Christmas Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

All this wacky weather may make it hard to believe, but we have reached December! If you are one of the lucky ones, you have early finals and will be able to leave for break soon. Just because you may be clearing out early doesn’t mean you can’t take some time to decorate your dorm for the holiday. Getting together with a few friends to make some of these Christmas crafts could be the perfect way to take a break from the stress of finals and a great way to spend some time with friends before heading your separate ways for the next month.

1.     If you are going to decorate for the holidays, door decorating is a must! While you may not have a steady stream of visitors during finals, decorating the outside of your door is a great way to show your Christmas spirit and will certainly brighten the days of those passing through your hall.

The Six Sisters’ Stuff offers a tutorial for this adorable wreath, which can be found here: http://www.sixsistersstuff.com/2011/12/6-dollar-wire-hanger-christmas-ornament.html. This wreath can be hung on the door and paired with the ever-popular paper snowflakes.

2.     What is a Winter Wonderland without some trees? These trees made from old books are creative and adorable. While this may not be the best thing to do with this semester’s textbooks, that old paperback you’ll never read again could make a really great tree!

If you want to learn how to make these trees check out homedit here: http://www.homedit.com/easy-diy-paperback-christmas-trees/

3.     Don’t be afraid to hang your stockings a little early this year. If you are feeling brave, try this no-sew stocking. Grab your own choice of patterns and make a stocking that is totally unique to you. This tutorial from Project Nursery will give you a great place to start and let you know the materials you need as you decide how to customize.

You can find your how to here: http://projectnursery.com/2012/12/diy-no-sew-christmas-stocking/

Hopefully some of these tutorials will spark your inspiration bringing you into the holiday spirit. Remember that even if you only have a little bit of left on campus these kinds of projects can be room decorations at home or thoughtful gifts for loved ones. Happy crafting!

Jessica is a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at VCU, a Chapter Advisor and a retired Campus Expansion Assistant. She will graduate in May 2017, earning Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies. Her core areas of study include photography, journalism and media studies. In addition to school and her work with Her Campus, Jessica works at her university library as an information associate.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.