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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

College is an opportunity to learn and make mistakes outside of classes. We’ll carry the lessons learned from those mistakes throughout our lives. College is a time when lots of students will go through adult life experiences for the first time. Most if not all college students can relate to having a booked and busy schedule. On top of just classes, assuming a full-time student schedule of 12-15 credits, there’s jobs, internships, sports, extracurriculars, and personal life to be responsible for. Being able to balance such a stuffed schedule of multiple roles, and the duties that come with it, is a skill on its own. As a college student, it’s the first time most of us are responsible for balancing our responsibilities and making our own schedule in a way that honors all of our duties. As an upperclassmen college student who has a hectic schedule, I can offer a few pointers and balance all the roles we play. 

It’s pretty obvious that using a planner helps to keep everything organized. That’s usually the first piece of advice given when it comes to personal organization and time management. But it’s the go-to piece of advice for a reason. It’s so effective! There are options for online and paper planners. I personally prefer using paper planners, because the action of writing it down helps me remember what I need to get done. Paper planners are great because they offer a tangible form of organization. Physically writing something down works for some people. However, online planners are also a great way to keep track of everything. The upside to online planners is that it’s available on your phone or laptop, so it’s much easier to access. There is also the option of adding cute pictures and designs to online planners. As well as setting up automatic reminders. Overall, any planner is a good planner as long as it works for you. 

Another way I keep track of my busy life is by making a to-do list. While similar to planners, a to-do list specifically involves crossing items off a list. It’s so satisfying to cross things off a list when it’s finally done with. I have a to-do list in my planner. While I prefer to keep my planner and to-do list together, keeping it separate is also a good option. Again, whatever works best for you to keep organized. 

Another option for keeping organized is using a calendar. Whether that be online, on paper or dry-erase board. It’s a great way to keep track of when things are due, events, meetings, classes and appointments. 

One method that has worked for me is leaving things where I can see them. While I personally use a paper planner, I keep track of the bigger responsibilities on a dry-erase board in my room that I couldn’t miss if I tried. Seeing it reminds me to use it as an organizational tool. I also see what I have to do whenever I pass by my board, causing me to better remember what it is that needs to be done. It also acts as an automatic reminder if I forget something and I pass by and see what I need to do.

Finally, it’s important to take care of the person getting all of these amazing things done. If you don’t maintain your machine, how can you expect it to work properly? Taking a step back counts as productivity. It’s important to remember to cool down and come back ready to go. Recharge your battery in the way that best suits you. Whether that be a chill night alone or a fun activity with friends. Also, take breaks in between tasks and I guarantee you’ll come back with a clearer mind.

I offer this advice not only as a busy college student but also as one recently diagnosed with ADHD. I have always struggled with organization and time management, and it’s really held me back. Despite this struggle, I still keep busy so I can continue working toward my goals. Outside of a full-time school schedule, I’m a lifeguard, I’m involved in Her Campus, PR chair for another club and I co-founded a club with my friend. All of the advice I’ve mentioned has helped me or others I know to stay organized. However, I can’t stress enough how important it is to rest and recharge! Especially if you have a booked and busy schedule. 

Salma is a junior at VCU majoring in digital journalism and minoring in psychology. She loves iced coffee, going out with her girls, and watching old movies.