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Culture > Entertainment

Award Shows As Family Members 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Grandparents: Oscars and Grammys

They’re well respected in the household, as they are our elders. They hold history where it’s fun to sit down and listen to. Now and then they speak their opinions, which we all choose to ignore to get through dinner. Topics such as not giving Margot Robbie and Great Gerwig get nominations for Barbie. Also, they tend to bring up those who we don’t know such as whoever won “Song of the Year,” last year at the 65th Grammys. 

Aunts/Uncles: BET, Critics Choice Awards, EMMYs, BAFTAS, TONY

This one is split into fun aunts and uncles and the ones who have a lot to say, but no one is listening to specifically. Fun belongs to BET and the Tonys, they’re seasoned and cool. A performance is always given, which will always eat and bring conversation to the table. Yes, sometimes they’re cringy, but you wouldn’t have it in any other way because there’s passion and a strong community in what they do. 

The other category goes to the Critics Choice and Baftas. Both are very opinionated, which isn’t a bad thing and for the most part, their opinions are reasonable and backed up with good justifications. It’s just that when they express themselves, the audience is most times looking everywhere but them. A good example would be their family members missing their birthdays because, let’s be honest, when did we last have the Critics Choice Awards listed in our calendars? 

Cousins: VMA’s, Billboard Music Awards, Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

These are the cousins you plan sleepovers with and look for at every function. They all simultaneously have drama to bring at every gathering and give moments we will never forget. Now and then “Miley, what’s good” and Katy Perry getting slimed will resurface in my thoughts now and then and give me a good chuckle. You stay up to make dance routines with them, knowing that each performance is worthwhile. Lastly, they can be little kids who run around being gross and make big messes without dealing with repercussions. 

That one family friend: Golden Globes 

For the most part, they are entertaining and mostly deliver with jokes. However, there are times when they don’t and end up offending the family. I never heard of Jo Koy until recently and would have been fine not knowing. Also, this family friend will always be dressed down at an event and give us looks we will talk about for days. For the most part, their opinions are valid, especially in terms of series. However, they are nosy and will give us the update on Timothee and Kylie, which a majority of us didn’t ask for. 

Pets: Teen Choice Awards and MTV Movie Awards 

They’re cute.  

Samah Elhassan is a writer at the Her Campus at VCU and she is very eager to share her ideas and broaden her skills in writing. She is currently a senior who is majoring in biomedical engineering. She loves the idea of using biomedical sciences to help improve the lives of others. Although this is her last year she is still eager to learn more within the field. In her free time, Samah likes to watch movies, hang out with friends, and play games. She doesn't have a favorite movie but tends to recommend Perfect Blue to anyone who asks. One fun fact about Samah is that she likes to crochet. She has made scarves and table clothes for friends and hopes to crochet clothes in the future.