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Ariel Mitchell: President of 4NE1

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Name:  Ariel Mitchell 

Year:  Supa Senior (graduating this December!)

Major: Mechanical Engineering 

Birthday: September 21

During your college experience, what organizations have you been involved with? 

When I first arrived at VCU I picked all the organizations that correlated with my interests like the Anime Club, Global Foundation, and FACT. Soon afterwards I got caught by the dance bug and joined Poppers of VCU and Blank Canvas. Around my junior year I started taking my major more seriously and joined NSBE and Theta Tau. Recently, and on a whim, I created 4NE1. 

What is 4NE1?

4NE1 (pronounced “For Anyone”) is a multicultural organization dedicated to spreading world music to the VCU community via entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Basically we like to do flash mobs and random stuff on campus. Anything for a good laugh because school gets stressful. 

What made you as a mechanical engineering major, decide to create  4NE1 group on campus? 

For some odd reason people have this weird perspective of engineers, like we’re anti-social and we lock ourselves in a dark, windowless room and study and do homework all day. Welp, some of them do, but I like to have fun. 4NE1 wasn’t actually going to happen until people started asking for more flash mobs after we successfully pulled off that Gangnam Style one. So I was like, why not?  

What’s your favorite thing about doing a flash mob? 

Most definitely, the look on bystanders faces. Some are usually confused, or just ignore us but I really love those people who start dancing along side us. For the ICF flash mob, right as we were setting up the speakers some girl asked, “Ya’ll about to turn up?” My response: “Yes, girl we are.” 

What has been your favorite performance you have done since starting 4NE1 at VCU? 

I honestly don’t know. Everything we do is fun, but I guess if I had to pick it would have to be the Homecoming flash mob…or maybe the “Like This” flash mob. So difficult to chose a favorite! Each flash mob has a different feel so it’s really hard to single out just one. 

As the President of 4NE1 at VCU, what are you looking forward to most during 2013-2014?

I’m really looking forward to partnering up with other student organizations and creating the most epic flash mob on VCU’s campus. I will let you in on a  little secret, 4NE1 IS planning something though. Can’t say anything else. 

How do you spend your free time? 

Free time? What is that? Haha! Sometimes I’ll teach myself some popular Kpop dances or read the latest chapters of Naruto. 

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

If I could visit any place in the world it would be Japan. Their technology, culture, and fashion is something I’ve always found intriguing  I hear you can buy just about anything from a vending machine there. 

What’s one weird fact everyone should know about you? 

I do every flash mob in a wig. 

How can other interested students/organizations get involved with 4NE1?

I recommend filling out the “Member Request Form” or the “Flash mob/Performance Request Form.” We take in new members all year round, but we require at least a month’s notice if you want our help with a flash mob or performance.

Is there anything else you want Her Campus to know? 

I am named after the Little Mermaid. I’m addicted to sweets and all things kawaii. 

Portia, is a 22 year old Senior majoring in Cinema and double minoring in General Business and Media Studies at VCU. She transferred from The University of Hawaii at Leeward Community College, after graduating in 2012 with an Associate in Science in Television Production. Portia has a passion for all things art related, asian cuisine, traveling, and Bollywood movies.  In the future, she aspires to one day return to Hawaii and direct and create movies of all different genres and continue her passion for the arts.
Sarah is a Mass Communications student at VCU with a concentration in Online/Print Journalism. She is passionate about veganism, traveling, music, health and fitness. Her plans after graduation are to move to NYC and work within the journalism field.