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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

What’s your type?

I want someone who is cute, funny, innocent, has a good relationship with her family, someone who is as into music as I am, and someone close to my age. My preference is Mediterranean, Asian, or Indian. It would also be nice if she was shorter than me.

Turn On’s:  A girl who is genuine and also seductive. An example would be if she licked or bit her lip and I want a girl who can dance well. It would be nice if she had long hair, but it wouldn’t matter if she had short hair as long as she could work it.

Turn Off’s: Extensive piercings (more than on her ears or studs), dull girls, extensive tattoos, if she’s constantly correcting me, if she always cuts me off, if a girl doesn’t take care of herself, if she is really mean, or a girl doing or saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times.

Music: Hip hop, Indie, Dubstep, Shania Twain

Where are you from?
Virginia Beach

What activities are you into?
Frisbee, long boarding, exercising, volleyball, building things and rock climbing.

What T.V. shows do you watch?
Jersey Shore, South Park and Spiderman the animated series

Who’s your celebrity crush?
Zooey Deschanel

Favorite Movie: The Patriot

Mymy Dinh is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, pursuing a career in pharmacy. Born on January 20, 1992, she is the second oldest out of 5 children. She is also majoring in science with a double minor in chemistry and biology. She enjoys volunteer work, being around her family, organizing desks and rooms, shopping, meeting new people, and traveling.