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6 Ways to Make the Most of the Last 6 Weeks of Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

On Feb. 2, 2015, the groundhog saw his shadow and went back into his burrow to hibernate for six more weeks of winter. If you’re like many Richmonders, this is not good news. “Bring on the warm weather!” you say, “I’m freezing and it’s the middle of the afternoon!” While it is depressing to see the sun set so early, there are certainly ways you can make these last few weeks indoors useful!

1. Get Swole

Hellooo, tank top season! When it’s so cold outside and comfort food is so delicious, it’s easy to let yourself get a little too cozy underneath layers and layers of clothes. If you’ve been using this winter to relax, eat and hibernate, maybe now would be a good time to step it up and start working on your spring break bod. If not for the darling bikinis, for your own health! Exercising has numerous health benefits, like releasing endorphins that will help you feel energetic and happy when the days are short and below freezing.

2. Work On a New Skill

Winter can be great for Netflix and napping, but what other hobbies or skills in your life have been slacking lately? What’s something you love to do that you can work on indoors? All this time inside can be used productively when you otherwise would be outside. This also includes studying and homework, so work now and enjoy the free time outdoors by the time it gets warm and sunny! You’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish in a new skill with six weeks.

3. Catch Up On Some Sleep

Back before the invention of electricity, people went to bed when the sun set and woke up when it rose…what a concept! Unfortunately, in today’s world, we still have stuff to do even when the sun is asleep. However, with cold weather comes less distractions. Try to see the cold, dark outdoors and cozy, warm indoors as inspiration to get to bed a little earlier. Your body and brain will thank you for it!

4. Indulge in the Pleasures of Winter

Just a couple of weeks ago, we were all excited about Starbucks seasonal drinks, breaking out new scarves and boots, fuzzy socks and other winter pleasures. However, right after winter break that excitement dies down significantly. In just a couple of short months, it’ll be 100+ degrees and we might wish we could trade out the humidity and mosquitos for the simple joy of building a snowman or an indoor fire. Take these next six weeks to truly enjoy the thrills and comforts of the season you’re in. Winter (and all the fun that comes with it) will be over before you know it!

5. Three Magical Letters: DIY

This goes along with finding a new skill, but there is something to be said about the fun and satisfaction that comes with creating. Crafts are a good way to keep the mind and hands occupied during long, cold nights when it feels like there’s nothing to do. Cooking, writing, wood-working and art projects all count, and Pinterest can be a great resource for inspiration. Whatever it is you like to make, try to make some time for it!

6. Spring Cleaning and Redecorating 

If you still have your Christmas decorations up and more mess in your closet than you can handle, the remainder of winter can be a blessing. Things can get busy and you don’t always have time to keep up with being organized. Since spring has decided to wait a little longer, that gives us the chance to clean up. Work on your warm weather wardrobe, redecorate your apartment and start fresh!

Spring will be here before you know it! Take these six steps into consideration and you might be thanking the groundhog for a chance to prepare for spring. Don’t be like Grumpy Cat and have a happy winter!

Katie is a 21 year old Psychology major at Virginia Commonwealth University. Her legal name is Katherine, but only her mother can call her that when she's in trouble. She loves coffee, lipstick, science, leggings, and people who properly cite their sources.
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!